Run All Transaction Processes

Use the Run All Transaction Processes task to control the various processes that import transactions and end up with calculated earnings. This task is in the Credits and Earnings work area.

  1. Navigate to Incentive Compensation > Credits and Earnings

  2. In the Tasks pane, select Run All Transaction Processes.

  3. Select the business unit.

  4. You can choose to process transactions with dates within your specified range. Your dates must be within open periods.

  5. If you choose to process by periods, then select the number of periods to process.

  6. The selectors show all processes in the flow to be run. You can move the selectors to select one or more processes. This table shows the processes included in each selection.


    Processes Included: Task Menu and Process Names

    Collect Transactions

    Import Currency Conversion Rates

    Incentive Compensation Transaction Import (Import Transactions to Staging)

    Collect Transactions


    Import Currency Conversion Rates (if you didn't run Collect Transactions)

    Revert Transactions (Revert Incentive Transactions)

    Deploy Credit Rules (Deploy Incentive Credit Rules)

    Run Crediting (Generate Direct Incentive Credits, Generate Direct and Indirect Incentive Credits) (Depends on your parameter settings)

    Run Crediting and Rollup (Depends on your parameter settings)

    Run Rollup (Generate Incentive Rollup Credits) (Depends on your parameter settings)


    Revert Transactions (Revert Incentive Transactions) (if classification is run before crediting)

    Deploy Classification Rules (Deploy Incentive Classification Rules)

    Classify Credits (Classify Incentive Transactions)


    Import and Update Participant Details (Incentive Compensation Participant Detail Import)

    Deploy Compensation Plans (Deploy Incentive Plans)

    Import Participant Goals

    Calculate All (Calculate Incentive Earnings for All Participants)

  7. Click Submit.

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Parameters task to control how rollup and crediting are done. Set parameters in the Crediting and Rollup Parameters region. In the Classification Parameters region, you specify whether crediting is done before or after classification, or if classification is done at all.