Examples of Expressions to Calculate Earnings

This topic provides sample incentive compensation earning calculations for plan components. Add incentive formulas to plan components on the Define Incentive Formula page in the Compensation Plans work area.

Sample Earnings Calculations

Use the Expression Name field to create and associate an expression with the plan component.

Here are sample earnings calculations and corresponding expressions.

Calculation Description


Calculate the incentive earnings for each transaction using a performance measure that provides the credit amount as output.

Measure Name.ITD Output Achieved * Rate Table Rate

Calculate incentive earnings as a percentage of revenue attainment for each interval.

Measure Name.ITD Output Achieved * Rate Table Rate

Calculate incentive earnings as a percentage of the eligible target incentive, or quota attainment, for each quarter.

Assumption: The plan specifies the target incentive for the entire year.

Measure Name.ITD Output Achieved * Target Incentive / 4