Import Participant Goals Using Import Management

Import participant goals using .CSV files with data in the specified format in Import Management. You can also export goals. You can export existing goals, make changes, and import the changed goals.

Download the template file and change the data for your import.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

  2. Select the object you plan to import and click Download to get the template.

  3. Edit the downloaded file and be sure to include valid values for all required attributes.

  4. Navigate to Tools > Import Management > Create Import Activity.

  5. You can create a mapping before you import your file or use automatic mapping if the column headers are unchanged from the template.

The Enforce Assignment Parameter

Performance measures can span date ranges longer than a participant's assignment to a compensation plan. As a result this means goals can be set for periods when the participant wasn't assigned to a compensation plan. This may be needed in the case of updating a quarterly or annual goal for a participant. When the Enforce Assignment is set to yes, the import ignores such use cases and ensures that goals are only updated for periods that the participant was assigned the plan. The default is yes if it's left blank.

In this example, Goals are being loaded to the performance measure Total Revenue for Lisa Jones. Lisa switched plans mid year and her new assigned plan doesn't include Total Revenue.

Lisa's Assigned Plans and Dates

Plan Start Date End Date
Total Revenue 01/01/2022 03/31/2022
Total profit 04/01/2022 12/31/2022

Goals Import for Lisa

Plan Goal Period Goal Enforce Assignment Yes Enforce Assignment No
Total Revenue Jan-2022 100 Accepted Accepted
Total Revenue Feb-2022 200 Accepted Accepted
Total Revenue May-2022 300 Ignored Accepted

The Update All Occurrences Parameter

Goals are set typically at the performance measure level for a specific period and participant. Performance measures can be reused in different plan components and plans. When setting goals you have the option to set different goals for a performance measure based on the associated plan or plan component. When using Update All Occurrences set to Yes, the goal will is imported for all instances of where the performance measure is used for that participant. If it's set to No, you can specify the specific plan or plan component you want to assign the goal to. The deefault is No if the value is blank.

Update All Setting Examples

Update All Setting Performance Measure Plan Component Goal
Yes Total Revenue Plan A Quarterly Bonus 100
Yes Total Revenue Plan A Monthly Sales 100
No Total Revenue Plan A Quarterly Bonus 200
No Total Revenue Plan A Monthly Sales 100
No Total Revenue Plan B Volume Commission 1000