Import Quota Management Goals for Participants

You can import quota management goals for incentive compensation participants using the import template stored in Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Generate the resource quota or resource period quota data using the instructions in the topic Using Export and Import to Modify Sales Quotas: Procedure. Alternatively, you can create a business intelligence report that contains the same columns, in the same order, as the import template.

Here's how you import participant goals:

  1. Populate and upload the import file.

  2. Import the participant goals.

  3. Resolve any import errors.

  4. Verify the import results.

Note: You must configure, test, and assign compensation plans to the identified participants before you can populate the import file because each participant goal requires a goal (performance measure) name.

Populating and Uploading the Import File

You can add and update participant goals.

  1. If you're importing the initial allocated goals for the plan year, then obtain the import template from Support document 2785163.1.

  2. Select the ICGoalImportTemplate.xlsm file to save it locally.

  3. Copy and paste the resource quota or resource period quota data into the import participant goals file based on the mapping shown in this table.

    Resource Quota or Resource Period Quota Export File

    Participant Goals Import File






    Email Address


    Measure (Goal Name)

    If the quota management goal name exactly matches the incentive compensation performance measure name, then you can copy and paste the data from the export file to the import file. Otherwise, replace the resource quota or resource period quota goal name with the exact incentive compensation measure name in the import file.

    Start Date

    Start Date

    The date format must be YYYY/MM/DD.

    End Date

    End Date

    The date format must be YYYY/MM/DD.

    ResourceQuota or ResourcePeriodQuota

    Goal (Quota)

    The amount format requires a decimal.


    Unit of Measure

  4. Upload the file using the instructions in the first tab of the template.

Alternatively, to use a business intelligence report that contains the same columns, in the same order, as the import template:

  1. Run the report.

  2. Download the report as an Excel file.

  3. Save the report as a CSV file, which you upload instead of the XLSM file.

While you enter a single goal as a decimal number, the import process uses the start date, end date, and the goal value to populate three goal values:

  • Period

  • Interval

  • Total target

You can record additional goals, such as hurdle goal amounts, using provided alternate target columns in the import file.

Caution: The Import Participant Goals process fails if you reorder or remove columns in your import file. It also fails if the plan containing the measure goal doesn't have Individualize target incentive selected.

Import Participant Goals

Import the latest participant goals using the Import Participant Goals task in the Participant Assignments work area. The import consists of two child processes that import the data into the staging table and into base participant goal tables.

The Run All Transaction Processes task includes the Import Participant Goals process. Run All Transaction Processes imports any files uploaded to the ic/incentiveCompensationParticipantGoal/import WebCenter folder.

Resolve Import Errors

If either of the child processes fails, then the import process does these actions:

  • Deletes all rows that were loaded from the source file, even those rows that loaded successfully

  • Sets the status for the relevant child process to either Warning or Error and generates two log files:

    • One log contains all of the rows that have an error.

    • One log contains the error messages.

Use the Manage Scheduled Processes task to find and open the logs.

  1. Fix any data issues in your import file.

  2. Upload the edited file.

  3. Run the import process again.

Verify Import Results

Use the Participant Snapshot work area to verify the data:

  1. Randomly search for and select various participants you imported goals for.

  2. Use the Manage Goals task to verify that the participant's targets are as expected for the relevant performance measures.