Import Transactions for Incentive Compensation

You can import transactions from an external data source into the staging table using a template available from My Oracle Support.

Here's the basic process for importing transactions:

  1. Extend transaction attributes.

  2. Populate and upload the import file.

  3. Import the transactions.

  4. Resolve any import errors.

  5. Verify the import results.

Extend Transaction Attributes

Use the Base Transaction descriptive flexfield to define up to 200 custom attributes if the standard transaction record doesn't support all of your source data attributes. If you're using these attributes values in crediting and classification, then define Incentive Compensation custom qualifiers and lookups. Your transaction flexfields and rule qualifiers must point to the same source. Edit the flexfield using the Manage Incentive Descriptive Flexfields task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

You can use data mapped to incentive compensation transaction descriptive flexfields for crediting, classification, calculation, or for reporting purposes. Incentive Compensation doesn't support Application Composer extensible attributes for incentive compensation transaction objects.

Populate and Upload the Import File

Populate and upload your transactions.

  1. Obtain the ICTransactionImportTemplate.xlsm file from Support document 2785163.1 and save it locally.

  2. Enter the transaction data using the instructions and help included in the import file.

    If you're importing credit transactions, then you must provide values for the mandatory fields as well as these additional fields:

    • Credited Participant

    • Credit Amount

    • Split Percent

    • Revenue Type

    If you want to override classification, crediting, and rollup processes for a transaction, then you must include a valid process code.

  3. Upload the file using the instructions in the first tab of the file.

Caution: The Incentive Compensation Transaction Import process fails if you reorder or remove columns in your import file.

Import Transactions

Use the Incentive Compensation Transaction Import task in the Credits and Earnings work area to import the transactions into the staging table. The Run All Transaction Processes task includes the transaction import.

Resolve Import Errors

Use the Manage Scheduled Processes task to find and open the process status report.

  1. Fix any data issues in your import file.

  2. Upload the edited file to the content repository.

  3. Run the Incentive Compensation Transaction Import process again.

Verify Your Imported Data

View the imported transactions on the Manage Transactions page after running the Collect Transactions process. You must have the Incentive Compensation Transaction Management Duty role to run the Collect Transactions process. The delivered Incentive Compensation Manager and Incentive Compensation Analyst job roles already include this duty role.