What To Do Before Importing and Collecting Transactions

Before importing and collecting the first set of transactions, you must define and configure certain incentive compensation entities. You must also maintain the logic for tracking new and changed transactions and map your source data to staging table columns.

Setting Up Prerequisite Entities

Use tasks in the table to complete prerequisite tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Incentives


Setup Description



Define your calendars and intervals.

Open the period you want to collect data for.

Manage Incentive Calendars


Determine whether to enable these parameters:

  • Direct, rollup, or direct and rollup crediting

    If enabling rollup crediting, also specify whether to use the direct or rollup credit rule hierarchy, or to use both

  • Classification, and if so, before or after crediting

Set up processing and payment currency options.

Manage Parameters

Currency Conversions

You can credit, calculate, and pay in either the participant's home currency or process using a single currency within each business unit. Even if you process in a single operating currency, you can still pay using each participant's home currency.

To process transactions without error, you must:

  • Define currency conversion rates.

  • Associate home currency to each participant.

Manage Incentive Currency Conversions

Earning Types

Define any unit of measure that you use for processing.

Manage Earning Types

Base Transaction Descriptive Flexfield Global Segments

Use the Base Transaction descriptive flexfield to define up to 200 custom attributes if the standard transaction record doesn't support all of your source data attributes. The custom attributes are divided into two types:

  • 150 varchar

  • 50 numeric

Configure these global segments for use as your business dictates. For example, you want to include Customer on the transaction, so you define one of the global segments for Customer.

Use the Define Incentive Compensation Custom Attributes and Lookup Values task list to configure any custom attributes that you want to include in classification and crediting rules.

You can point to a data source other than the Sales Customer Data Model, to provide lookups to use for validation.

Manage Incentive Descriptive Flexfields

Tables and Columns

Enable any additional attributes to use in crediting or classification processes or the calculation expression builder. You can also disable attributes that you don't want to use.

Configure Tables and Columns

Handling New and Changed Transactions

The CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_STAGING_T staging table has the same schema as the CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_ALL transaction table, including the CHANGED_TRX_FLAG column. In staging, the Collect Transaction process compares the composite key transaction number and transaction type with the key in the transaction table. If the transaction is new, then the new transaction is collected. If the key already exists, then the existing transaction is made obsolete and the new transaction is collected from the staging table.

If you collect all transactions every time instead of just new and changed transactions, then you can lessen the collection processing time. Change the value for the profile option ORA_CN_COLLECT_CHANGED_TRX, Collect only new or changed transactions, to Yes. The collection process will then work this way:

  • If the composite key of the source transaction number and transaction type is new, then the transaction is collected.

  • If the composite key isn't new, then the process compares all the attributes of the transaction in the staging table with the transaction table. If no changes to any attributes, then the transaction isn't collected. If a change is found in the attributes, then the transaction is obsoleted in the transaction table and the new transaction is collected from staging.

Mapping Source Data for Import

Use one of the methods in this table to set up and map source data for import into the CN_TP_TRANSACTIONS_STAGING_T staging table.



Oracle Data Integrator

Use this method to set up the transaction sources and to map the various source columns to those in the incentive compensation staging table.

You can't change the Oracle Data Integrator mappings that are delivered with the product and used to load the data from the staging table into the transaction table. You can create your own custom script to use instead.

Manage File Import Mappings task

Implementations can use this method to map CSV data headings to staging table columns. The task is available in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Users and Security functional area.

This task is also a task in the Import Transactions Using File Based Data Import process initiated in the Credits and Earnings work area.

Incentive Compensation Transaction Import process

Use this method to populate the staging interface table with the data in your source file. Create your source file using the ICTransactionImportTemplate.xlsm file in the File Based Data Import Guide.

Import Management

Follow the instructions in the Understanding Import and Export Management guide.