Incentive Compensation Goal Distribution Options

Define the incentive goal by entering a target value for the performance measure duration. Optionally, distribute the target value, manually or evenly, across the goal intervals and recalculate the goal.

Define goals and goal distributions on the Create Performance Measure: Define Goal page or the Goal tab of the Edit Performance Measure page.

Distribute Goal

Distribute the target across goal intervals if you plan to calculate attainment for each interval, rather than calculating once for the entire duration of the measure.

The distribute goal process also calculates and stores the interval-to-date (ITD) target value against each period, in this instance, for each month. You can expose the hidden ITD Target field through personalization.

Evenly Distribute Goal

To evenly distribute the goal across the intervals, enter the goal in the Target field and click Distribute Evenly.

Manually Distribute Goal

You can manually distribute the target by amount or percentage, as shown here. Monetary values are in US dollars.

Distribute By



In the Target Amount column, enter the interval and period amounts.

Example: Assuming that the period is Month, manually distribute the annual target number of 120,000 as:

  • 30,000 for each quarter

  • 10,000 for each month

The distribute goal process derives the ITD values based on the period target value. In the amount example, the ITD value is:

  • 10,000 for January

  • 20,000 for February

  • 30,000 for March

  • 10,000 in April, as April starts the new interval


In the Target Percent column enter the percentage of distribution across the quarterly intervals and periods, or months.

  • 5 for January

  • 8 for February

  • 12 for March

The period percentages sum to a quarterly interval percentage of 25 percent.

  • The sum of the period target numbers must equal the corresponding interval target number

  • The sum of the Interval target numbers don't have to equal the annual, or header level, target

Recalculate Goal

If you manually adjust the period targets, then click Recalculate to recalculate the interval and header level targets. The recalculation process adds:

  • Period target numbers to calculate the interval target

  • Interval target numbers to the header target number

You can change the period numbers, rather than the interval numbers, and use Recalculate to overwrite the interval numbers.