Options for Individualizing Compensation Plans and Plan Components

Changes in a compensation plan affect all assigned participants. You can personalize or individualize various compensation plan and plan component values for a participant to prevent the changes in that participant's plan.

In the Participant Snapshot work area, use the Manage Compensation Plans task to individualize plans.

After you assign a compensation plan to participants, and then edit the base plan in the Compensation Plans work area, you must run the deploy process. Running this process overwrites base compensation plan values for participant plans not individualized. Parts of the participant plan not individualized are also not overwritten. These include target incentive, target incentive percentage, goals, rates, and event factors.

Individualizing Plans and Plan Components Options

Setting these options determines what plan and plan component data is overwritten.

Individualize Selection

Individualize Values


Don't override anything


Override event factors, commission rates, and goals (including those defined for intervals and periods)


Override commission rates


Override goals (including those defined for intervals and periods)

Individualize target incentive check box

The target incentive and plan component target incentive percentage set at the participant plan override the base plan values.

Enable Individualization by Default

Using the Manage Parameters task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, you can specify which individualization option to apply in the Participant Snapshot work area by default. These default values apply only to new records and don't affect existing records. New records include any new participant assignment to a plan or new plan component added to an existing participant plan. These are the application-level parameters:

  • Default State for Individualizing Plan Target Incentive

  • Default Individualized Plan Components

You can override these default settings for individual participant plans in the Participant Snapshot work area.

Edit Main Plans and Plan Components

Enabling individualization affects what happens when you edit base plans and plan components in the Compensation Plans work area, after assigning them to participants.

The next time that the Deploy Incentive Plans process runs, this is what happens:

  • The process doesn't overwrite the respective individualized participant values using the edited values on the main plan or plan component.

  • For any participant without an individualized version, or any new participant added after saving the edits, the process updates the participant plans with the modified values.

Use the Deploy Compensation Plans task in the Participant Assignments work area to submit the Deploy Incentive Plans process.