You Have Incorrect Earnings Amounts

The Calculate Incentive Earnings process creates measure attainment records and earnings records for participants. The process succeeded and the earnings in the Manage Earnings page have the status Calculated. But your earnings amounts are incorrect. Check these possible solutions.

  1. In the Participant Snapshot work area, check the tiers of the rate table used in the compensation plan. Then make sure that the input achieved of the measure or the earning falls in the correct tier. If not, then change the rate tiers so that the correct rate table rate can be applied to the credit.

  2. In the Participant Snapshot work area, determine all the attributes of the transaction used in the expressions of the measure and plan component. Then go to the Manage Transactions page and make sure that these attributes of the transaction are populated correctly. If not, then update the transaction and run the processes.

  3. In the Participant Snapshot work area, check the expressions used in the measure and plan component and make sure that they're correct. If not, then define a new correct expression and replace the old expression with the new one.

  4. In the Manage Earning page, query the earning record and check the data in the Measure tab. Verify that the columns Input Achieved and Output Achieved are what's expected. If not, then check the measure definition and take the necessary corrective steps.

  5. In the Calculation Detail page, check the data in the tab Formula and Measure Results. If the data isn't correct, then check the measure and plan component definition.

  6. In the Participant Snapshot work area, check the details of the compensation plans associated to the participant. If you observe any issue, then associate the compensation plan to the participant again after removing the association. Run Deploy Compensation Plans and then rerun calculation.

  7. Run the Calculate Incentive Earnings process again with valid parameters. Check earnings records in the Manage Earnings page.