Add Recommended Actions to Opportunities

This topic only applies to the CX Sales UI where you need to add the Recommended Actions fields to Opportunities list and Edit Opportunity pages. For the Redwood User Experience, recommended actions appear along with other recommendations and these steps don't apply.

Note: You can enable sales recommendations for Opportunity next best actions in the Redwood User Experience. The sales recommendation feature analyzes text of notes and call logs and recommends follow-up tasks and appointments. When enabled, this feature replaces the automatic creation of a task after call wrap ups. See Enable Sales Recommendations for more information.

After you've configured the best sales action feature, for the CX Sales UI, you need to use Application Composer to display UI elements in your opportunity pages to display recommendation actions. For example, you can:

  • Display the Recommended Action and Win Probability columns on the Opportunities list page

  • Display the Recommended Actions section and the Win Probability and Predicted Win Probability fields on the Edit Opportunity page.

Note: If you're using Sales Coach, then use Application Composer to also display the Sales Coach UI elements in your opportunity pages. You must specify what sales method to apply to all newly created opportunities by setting the profile option Sales Method Default.

Here are the high-level steps to add opportunity-related UI elements, such as Recommended Action and Win Probability columns and Recommended Actions section to the relevant Opportunity pages:

  1. Enter a sandbox. See the Overview of Sandboxes topic for details.

  2. Navigate to Application Composer.

  3. Expand the Opportunity object tree.

  4. In the Opportunity tree, click the Pages link.

  5. Ensure that the Application Pages tab is active.

  6. In the region that corresponds to the page you're modifying, duplicate the standard layout or select a custom layout if one exists, and edit the resulting layout. For example, use these steps to expose the Recommended Action and Win Probability columns to the opportunities list page:

    • In the Landing Page Layouts work area, select Standard Layout, then select Duplicate from the Actions menu.

    • Click the Edit icon for the Opportunity list page.

    • In the Landing Page Layout, locate and select Recommended Action, and Win Probability and move them from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list.

  7. Next, navigate to the Details Page Layout region, duplicate the standard layout, and then edit the resulting layout.

  8. On your custom details layout page, click Show next to Recommended Actions to ensure that this section appears on the Opportunity details page.

  9. Save your changes.

  10. Test the changes you just made.

  11. Publish the sandbox.

After you complete these configuration steps, your salespeople see the Recommended Action and Win Probability columns in the Opportunity list page and the Recommended Actions section in the Edit Opportunity page.