Automatic New Account Notifications and What to Change

For security reasons, users get the sign-in information they need to start using the application in two separate notifications. The first email tells users an account was created for them and includes a link they can use to create their passwords. The second email, which confirms the password reset, includes the user name.

Here's how the process works by default:

  1. The application sends the new account notification. The email includes only the link to reset your password. It doesn't list the user name.

  2. Users click the link in the email and create their passwords.

  3. If users already know their user names, they can sign in to the application right away.

  4. The application sends the second password reset confirmation, which includes the user name.

  5. If users don't know their user names, they can get the user names from the second notification.

You can view the default notification text by opening the two templates provided by Oracle: ORA New Account Template and ORA Password Reset Confirmation Template in the Security Console. When you create your own templates, the text of the Oracle notification templates is copied automatically to your new template. You can edit the text or replace it with your own.

As set up by Oracle, the application also notifies the user's manager when a user account gets created and when passwords get reset. If you don't want to spam sales managers, you can disable these notifications or replace them with text of your own.

Suggested Changes

At a minimum, change the text of sample notifications to replace Oracle-specific language. You may also want to clarify the process:

  • New Account Template:

    Add language that makes it clear that to users that they can get the user name from the notification they receive immediately after they create their passwords.

  • Password Reset Confirmation Template

    Modify the text to highlight the user name, so it's easy to spot in the email. When making the edits, remember that users receive this notification every time they reset their passwords, not just the first time they create their password.

For navigation and setup details, including available tokens, see the topic: Set Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications.