Set Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications

Use the Security Console to set your preferences for user names, passwords, and user notifications. For example, you can require users to set stronger passwords, implement shorter user names, change the text of the notifications your users receive, or turn notifications off completely.

Oracle provides only sample notifications. You must change the Oracle-specific language in the notifications and add additional information users may need. For example, the initial notification users receive about their new account includes a link to create your password. But, for security reasons, Oracle doesn't include the user name. In that initial new account notification, you may want to explain that you get the user name from the subsequent password reset confirmation.

Set Preferences for User Names and Passwords

  1. Open the Security Console from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Users and Security

    • Show: All Tasks

    • Task: Manage Applications Security Preferences

    Alternatively, click Tools > Security Console on the home page.

  2. Click User Categories.

    On the User Categories tab, you can set up different preferences and notifications for different categories of users. Since all of the sales users you create and import are created in the Default category, you set preferences for that category only.

  3. Click DEFAULT.

    On the DEFAULT User Category: Details page, you can set the user-name format.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Select the user-name format you want to use from the User Name Generation Rule list.

    The application uses your selection to generate user names unless you enter the user names manually or import them from a file. By default, the application uses the email address as the user name.

    If you're implementing Partner Relationship Management, then you must use email for creating partner contacts. Otherwise, you can use any of the three following options:

    • First name.last name

    • Email

    • First initial and last name

    Don't use Person or party number because numbers aren't easily remembered by users. For example, if the person number generated by the application for John Smith is 100000000178803, then the user name is 100000000178803 as well.

  6. Selecting the Generate system user name when generation rule fails option ensures that the application generates a user name even if there is no information available for the option you selected.

  7. Click Save and Close.

  8. Click the Password Policy subtab.

  9. Here you can specify password strength and expiration. For example, you can require users to use special characters in passwords and specify how frequently passwords must be changed.

  10. Selecting the Administrator Can Manually Reset Password option, makes it possible for administrators to manually create new passwords for users.

  11. Click Save and Close.

Configure Email Notifications and Change the Oracle-Specific Text

In the Notifications subtab on the DEFAULT User Category tab, you can specify which email notifications, if any, are sent to users and the text of those notifications. At present, the application supports text-only notifications in one language.

You can make these changes:

  • Turn all notifications on or off.

    By default, all notifications are turned on. If you're setting up a test environment, turn off notifications while creating sales users to prevent the users from signing in to the application while you're setting it up.

  • Turn individual notifications on or off.

    By default, all individual notifications are turned on.

  • Create your own notifications.

    Oracle provides predefined English-language sample templates with Oracle-specific language. You must create your own templates to provide users with the information they need.

Here's how to configure the email notifications:

  1. Click the Notifications subtab.

    The subtab lists the default notification templates provided by Oracle. The list includes the events that trigger the notifications and the email subject lines.

  2. To make changes, click Edit.

  3. If you want to turn off all notifications, then deselect the Enable Notifications option under the Notification Preferences heading.

  4. If you want to turn off individual notifications, then:

    1. Click the template name link.

    2. Deselect the Enabled check box.

    3. Click Save and Close.

  5. Here's how to create your own notification templates:

    1. Click Add Template and select the event.

      Selecting the event automatically copies over the text provided in the corresponding Oracle template, which you can then edit.

    2. Edit the notification subject line and text.

      Here's a list of the tokens you can include in the message text. Each token must be within curly brackets and preceded by a dollar sign, for example: ${firstName}.





      User name

      • Forgot user name

      • Password expired

      • Password reset confirmation


      User's first name

      All events


      User's last name

      All events


      Manager's first name

      • New account created - manager

      • Password reset confirmation - manager

      • Password reset - manager


      Manager's last name

      • New account created - manager

      • Password reset confirmation - manager

      • Password reset - manager


      URL where the user can sign in

      • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

      • Password expired

      • Password expiry warning


      URL where the user can reset his or her password

      • New account created - manager

      • New user created

      • Password generated

      • Password reset

      • Password reset - manager


      New line

      All events


      Four spaces

      All events


      URL where an administrator initiates an administration activity

      Administration activity requested


      External identity provider

      Expiring external IDP signing certificate


      Signing certificate

      Expiring external IDP signing certificate


      Signing certificate expiration date

      • Expiring external IDP signing certificate

      • Expiring service provider signing certificate


      Encryption certificate expiration date

      Expiring service provider encryption certificate


      Administrator's first name

      • Administration activity location-based access disabled confirmation

      • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation


      Administrator's last name

      • Administration activity location based access disabled confirmation

      • Administration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation

    3. Select the Enabled option.

    4. Click Save and Close.

    The predefined template provided by Oracle is automatically disabled. You can only have one template for each event.

  6. On the DEFAULT Category: Notifications page, click Done.

Set the Synchronization Process Frequency Warning

If you don't like warning messages, read on. Whenever you navigate to the Security Console, you get a warning if the Import User and Role Application Security Data process was not run in the last six hours. If you scheduled the process to run daily, then it makes good sense to change the value of the warning as well.

  1. Click the Administration subtab.

  2. Change the value for the Hours Since Last Synchronization Job Run Warning.