Call Flow Parameter Settings

The call flow parameters determine the default and administrator-defined actions to be performed for a customer interaction. Customer interactions are calls with the customer in Digital Sales and calls or chats in Service Center. Administrator-defined settings override the default settings.

You can specify the settings listed in the following table:




Contact Required


Specifies whether the contact details of a customer must be displayed.
Note: For Digital Sales implementations, you must select No.
Select No if you're using Digital Sales.

Contact Verification


Specifies whether the customer details must be verified at the beginning of the call.

Note: For Digital Sales implementations, you must select No.

Screen Pop


Specifies whether a screen pop page must be displayed. Select Yes.

Wrap Up

Yes/No/Server Driven

Specifies whether a customer interaction requires wrap up. Select the Server Driven option to get notified by the toolbar if an interaction must be wrapped up.

Note: For Digital Sales implementations, this setting must always be enabled.

Deactivate Contact Verification

Contact verification allows a user to verify a caller against records already set up in the database prior to the exchange of sensitive information. In Digital Sales however, most inbound calls are related to sales opportunities where, for instance, a new lead may be calling about an inquiry. Given that the majority of calls are of this type, call verification isn't required.

  1. Sign in to the application as an administrator or setup user.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Communication Channels

    • Task: Configure Call Flow Parameters

  3. In the Default Settings work area, click the following drop-down lists, and change the value of both to No.

    • Contact Required

    • Contact Verification

  4. Click Save and Close.