Change the Values for Lead Rank and Lead Channel

Optionally, you can change the values for lead rank and lead channel by editing their lookup types. Salespeople use lead ranks to prioritize leads to work on. The lead channel records the source of the lead.

The lookup type Lead Rank (MKL_LEAD_RANK_SETID) includes these predefined values:

  • Cold

  • Hot

  • Warm

The lookup type Lead Channel (MKL_LEAD_CHANNEL_SETID) includes these predefined values:

  • Direct Mail

  • E-Mail

  • Fax

  • Model-based prediction

  • Phone

  • Rules-based prediction

  • Sales visit

  • Web

  • Wireless Message

Here's how to change the existing values and to add new ones:

  1. Open the task Manage Set Enabled Lookups from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Leads

    • Show: All Tasks

    • Task: Manage Set Enabled Lookups

  2. On the Manage Set Enabled Lookups page, search for either of the lookup type names by entering Lead Channel or Lead Rank in the Meaning field.

    The lookup type and the available values, called lookup codes, appear below.

  3. Here's how to change a lookup codes:

    • For the existing values, you can change the wording displayed to the user by modifying the meaning or you can end date values you do not need.

    • You can add new values, by clicking New (the plus sign icon).

  4. Click Save and Close when you are done.

  5. If you made changes, you must remember to enter the changes on the Lead Channel and Lead Rank worksheets in the lead import macro.