Import Leads Using the Import Macro

Here's how to enter your lead data into the macro and import. You can import up to 5,000 lead records at a time. If you import multiple batches, you must ensure that each import completes before you start another. You can use the macro only to import net new leads. You can't use it to import leads for existing customers or prospects.

Note: You can add import additional attributes by appending columns to the import macro, but you can't make any other changes. You can't edit the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code or other functions.
  1. Open the Lead Import Macro.

  2. Make sure that macros are enabled in Excel.

  3. If you're importing additional fields, including custom fields, then do the following:

    1. Click the Attributes Mapping worksheet.

    2. Click Fetch Attributes from Server.

    3. In an empty row in the worksheet, select the attribute from the Attribute Name column.

    4. Enter the name you want displayed as the column heading in the Lead worksheet. This name displays only in the macro.

    5. Click Update Headers to add the column to the Lead worksheet.

  4. If you changed the lead rank or the lead channel lookup types, then enter the new values in the Lead Rank and the Lead Channel worksheets.

  5. In the Template worksheet, enter your lead data. The import requires you to enter three pieces of information for each lead:

    • Lead name

    • Account name

    • Contact full name

    The macro generates the required lead number after you click Create Import Activity.

    You must also include contact information for your inside sales representatives to be able to qualify the lead. If you're assigning qualified leads using the state where the business is located, you must include the state in your import or have the inside sales representatives enter it as they qualify the lead.

    Here's what to enter in the macro:


    What to Enter

    Lead Number

    Leave this required column blank. The macro generates the lead number automatically using the date and time. The application uses the lead number to identify the lead record for updates.

    Lead Name

    The lead name identifies the lead in the lists salespeople see in the Leads work area. In the UI, the application automatically enters a lead name as a combination of the contact name and the date and time. You may want to follow the same practice in your import. Entry in this field is required.

    Account Name

    Organization name. Entry is required.

    Contact Full Name

    You must enter the contact's first and last names separated by a space.

    Job Title

    Job title.


    Contact email address.

    Phone Country Code

    Contact phone country code.

    Phone Area Code

    Contact phone area code.

    Phone Number

    Contact phone number with no spaces or delimiters.

    Address 1

    Contact address line 1.

    If you convert the lead to an opportunity, then the application uses the address entered in the contact address fields both as the contact address and the account address.

    Address 2

    Contact address line 2.


    Contact address city.


    For US states, enter the two-letter state code.


    This column (O) is hidden in the macro.

    ZIP Code

    Postal code.


    The ISO two-letter code for the country.

    Product Group

    Enter the Product Group Reference Number. You can copy this number from the macro you used to import product groups.


    Product name you imported earlier using the product import macro. If you're importing a product interest for a lead, you can't import a product group at the same time.

    Lead Rank

    You must use one of the standard values provided by Oracle in the macro, unless you changed them. The standard values are:

    • COOL

    • HOT

    • WARM

    Lead Channel

    You must use one of the standard values provided by Oracle in the macro, unless you changed them. The standard values are:


    • EMAIL

    • FAX

    • PHONE


    • WEB




  6. In the lead import macro, click Create Import Activity.

  7. If you're prompted to correct errors in your entries, do the following:

    1. Click OK.

    2. Click each error link in column D and make the correction on the Template worksheet.

      Note: After you correct an error, you must click outside the field for the correction to be recognized.
    3. Click Create Import Activity again.

  8. On the Login page, enter the following:

    • Host information for your environment.

      The host name is the portion of the URL between the https:// and /sales. You must be signed in and navigate to one of the sales work areas to ensure that the host name is correct. The name on the sign-in page and on setup pages is different.

    • Your user name

    • Your password

  9. Click Submit.

    The application displays one of these messages:



    The file import activity was submitted successfully.

    Your import has started. If the file import activity is submitted successfully, then the confirmation message displays the job ID.

    Unable to connect to the server at this time.

    You may have entered an incorrect host.

    Unable to submit the file import activity. Check log for details.

    You most likely entered the wrong mapping number or the user does not have the correct permissions. Open the Errors work sheet to view the error details.

  10. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

    The Activity Details window appears, listing the import activity name, its ID, and its status.

    • If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

    • If your import completed successfully, then the status listed is Completed.

  11. Optionally, click Generate Log to save a file listing the leads that were imported.