Create a Custom KPI

Here's an example of how to create a custom KPI where the owner of a sales lead gets credit whenever a lead is qualified.

  1. Navigate to Digital Sales > Performance.

  2. From the Sales Performance dashboard, click the Actions menu (3 vertical dots icon) located near the top-right area of the dashboard.

  3. Select Manage KPI.

  4. From the Sales Performance KPI page, click the Actions menu (3 vertical dots icon) located near the top-right area of the dashboard.

  5. Select Create Custom KPI.

  6. In the Basic Details section:

    • Enter a name for the KPI.

    • From the Status drop-down field, select from Draft, Active, or Inactive.

    • Enter a meaningful description for the KPI so that users have a good understanding of the purpose and use of the KPI.

  7. In the Calculation Details section:

    • From the KPI Object drop-down list, select the object that you want to track. For example, you can select from Activity (appointments and tasks), Interaction (calls and emails), Opportunity, Opportunity Revenue, and Sales Lead standard objects. Select Sales Lead.

    • From the Calculation Type drop-down list, select how you want to calculate the KPI, for example, Count, Sum, or Percentage. Select Count and then enter who will get the points.
      Note: If you select Sum as your calculation type, then enter what attributes you want to sum up. The purpose of the custom KPI of percentage type is to measure your key performance as a percentage.
    • In the Credit Recipient drop-down list, select who will get credit. For example, select from the following options for Lead count:

      • Lead Created By

      • Lead Last Updated By

      • Owner ID

      In this example, select Owner ID so each time a lead is qualified, its owner gets credit.

    • In the Credit Date drop-down list, select when the credit will be allocated. For example, select from the following options for Leads:

      • Accepted Date

      • Completed Date

      • Estimation Close Date

      • Expiration Date

      • Less Automatic Assignment Date

      • Lead Creation Date

      • Lead Last Updated Date

      • Qualification Date

      Select Qualification Date so that each time a lead is qualified, credit is due to the owner on the date of the lead qualification.

  8. In the Conditions section, enter what conditions to use to select records.

    • From the Add Field drop-down list, select what attribute you want to measure for the KPI, for example, select Status of the Sales Lead.

    • From the Filter Condition area, enter the KPI condition, for example, use Qualified / Converted

  9. In the Statistic Details section:

    • From the Breakout Category drop-down list, select how you want to break down the information displayed in the contest or goal for your custom KPI. For example, selecting Sales Channel for leads, displays how many leads were qualified by telesales, direct, or indirect sales channels. This provides valuable insights of KPI achievements to sales teams.

  10. Click Save.