Create a Custom KPI of Percentage Calculation Type

Here's an example of how to create a custom Opportunity Win Rate KPI where the owner of an opportunity gets credit whenever an opportunity is won.

The purpose of the custom KPI of percentage type is to measure the percentage of opportunities being won. Note that the number of opportunities won is calculated as the sum of all opportunities won by close date.

  1. From the Sales Performance KPI page, click the Actions menu (3 vertical dots icon) located near the top right area of the dashboard and select Create Custom KPI.

  2. In the Basic Details section, enter a name, status, and meaningful description for the KPI of percentage type.

  3. In the Calculation Details section:

    • From the KPI Object drop-down list, select the object that you want to track. For example, you can select Opportunity.

    • From the Calculation Type drop-down list, select how you want to calculate the KPI, for example, select Percentage.


      The Percentage value is calculated by dividing the numerator value by the denominator value and multiplying the result by 100. For example, (Numerator / Denominator * 100). For both numerator and denominator calculation, you must have a sub calculation type. So you can calculate numerator or denominator by either counting or summing records. The resulting number of records calculated is a subset of the denominator value

    • In the Credit Recipient drop-down list, select who will get credit. In this example, select Owner.

  4. In the Statistic Details section:

    • From the Breakout Category drop-down list, select how you want to break down the information displayed in the contest or goal for your custom KPI. For example, selecting Sales Channel for opportunities, displays how many opportunities were won by telesales, direct, or indirect sales channels. This provides valuable insights of KPI achievements to sales teams.

  5. In the Records to include for Numerator section specify what records to include as part of the numerator percentage calculation.

    For example, select Count as the Calculation Type. Opportunity is already selected as the Object.

    Note: The object for both the numerator and denominator will be the same as the object already selected and the calculation type will also be the same for the numerator and denominator.
  6. In the Credit Date drop-down list, select when the credit will be allocated. For example, select Close Date so that each time an opportunity is won, a percentage of the credit due to the owner on the close date of the opportunity.

  7. You now want to narrow down the KPI details by entering some filters you want to use to select the records for the KPI of Percentage type. For example, in the Filter section, select Status from the Attributes drop-down list, select Equals from the Operation drop-down list, and enter Won to complete your filter condition.

  8. In the Records to include for Denominator section, specify what records to include as part of the denominator percentage calculation. Note the calculation type must match the type used for the numerator so for example, both the Calculation Type and Object fields are automatically pre-populated with Count and Opportunity respectively.

  9. From the Filter section enter the conditions to use to select the records for the denominator KPI. For example, to select all opportunities, you select credit date so that all closed opportunities will be counted:

    • Select Opportunity Number from the Attributes drop-down list, and select Is Not Null from the Operation drop-down list

    • You can click the plus sign (+) to add other condition rows, if required.
  10. Click Save.