Sample Scenarios for Creating Custom KPIs

The following table specifies sample scenarios for creating custom key performance indicators:


Create Custom KPI


You want to create a KPI to measure opportunities created which are net new opportunities. You have created a custom field named Opportunity Type that has the following values.

  • Net New

  • Renewal

  • Upsell

  • Cross sell

  1. In the Name field, enter Net New Opportunities Created

  2. In the KPI Object field, select Opportunity.

  3. In the Calculation Type field, select Count.

  4. In the Credit Recipient field, select Opportunity Created By.

  5. In the Credit Date field, select Opportunity Creation Date.

  6. In the Filter Condition area, enter Equals 'Net New' after the OpportunityType_c internal name. For example, OpportunityType_c Equals 'Net New'

  7. In the Breakup Category field, select Sales Channel.


You want to track how many presentations are scheduled. Create a KPI named Presentations Scheduled which measures appointments scheduled of type 'Presentation' created for the activity object.

You have selected the predefined Appointments Scheduled KPI and have created a copy of it by using the Duplicate action from the Actions menu. Your custom KPI is named Presentations Scheduled.

You have created a custom field named Appointment Type that has the following value.

  • Presentation

  1. In the Name field, enter Presentations Scheduled

  2. In the KPI Object field, select Activity.

  3. In the Calculation Type field, select Count.

  4. In the Credit Recipient field, select Activity Created By.

  5. In the Credit Date field, select Start Date.

  6. In the Filter Condition area, enter Equals 'Presentation', after the AppointmentType_c internal name. For example, AppointmentType_c Equals 'Presentation'

  7. In the Breakup Category field, select Activity.

Sales Lead

You are following up on a sales lead and you want to ensure that the correct participant gets credit for qualifying a lead for an account. You can do this by passing the field filter Lead Status Type for the lead activity. You have created a custom field named Lead Status Type which has the following values.

  • Qualified

  • Converted

  1. In the Name field, enter Qualified Leads

  2. In the KPI Object field, select Sales Lead.

  3. In the Calculation Type field, select Count.

  4. In the Credit Recipient field, select Owner ID.

  5. In the Credit Date field, select Qualification Date.

  6. In the Filter Condition area, enter In ('Qualified', 'Converted') after the LeadStatusType_c internal name. For example, LeadStatusType_c In ('Qualified', 'Converted')

  7. In the Breakup Category field, select Sales Channel.