Create a Webhook Channel

Create a Webhook channel so that the meeting notes can be sent to Oracle Digital Assistant for text analysis.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area and select the Sales offering.
  2. In the Functional Areas pane, click Digital Assistant.
  3. In the Task pane, click the Manage Digital Assistant task.
  4. On the Oracle Digital Assistant home page, click the Navigator (the hamburger menu highlighted by callout 1).

    Oracle Digital Assistant hope page.
  5. Expand the Development menu item (callout 2).
  6. Click Channels (callout 3).
  7. Make sure that the Users tab is selected (callout 4).
  8. Click Add Channel to open the Create Channel window.
  9. Make these entries in the Create Channel window:
    1. Give your channel a name.
    2. Select Webhook as the channel type.
    3. In the Payload Version field, select the Conversation Model option.
    4. Enter an arbitrary value in the Outgoing Webhook URL field. It doesn’t matter what you enter. Just don't enter a real URL.
    5. Don't change the value in the Session Expiration field.
    6. Click Create.
  10. In the Route To field, select the TextAnalyzer skill that you pulled from the store earlier (callout 2 in the screenshot).

    Channel setup with callouts highlighting fields described in the text
  11. Scroll to the Secret Key (callout 3) and Webhook URL fields (callout 4) and copy both of the values.
  12. Now enable the channel by clicking the Channel Enabled toggle (callout 1 in the screenshot).