Create and Activate an Activities Configuration

You must create and activate an activities configuration for each object you use in Digital Sales. You create an activities configuration by duplicating an existing one. Oracle provides a predefined configuration for each object. If you want to use the predefined configuration, just copy it and activate it. If you want to change what gets displayed in Activities for an object, you can edit your copy before activating it.

You must have the Manage Feed Configurations duty role to be able to duplicate, edit, delete, and activate a configuration. Users with the Access View Feed Configurations duty role can only view the configurations.

  • You can't edit or delete configurations provided by Oracle.
  • You can have only one active configuration for each object.
  • You can't delete an active configuration.
  • You can create a maximum of 10 custom configurations for each object.
  • You can enable Monitor for Changes for a maximum of 50 attributes for each object in a configuration.
  1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Configure Activities Display.
  2. Select a sales object you want to configure.
  3. In the Activities configurations section, select an existing configuration. Oracle provides one standard configuration for each object. Look for SEED_DATA_FROM_APPLICATION in the Created By column.
  4. In the Action column (the last column on the right), click Actions (three dots) and select Duplicate.
  5. In the Duplicate dialog, enter a name for your configuration and an optional description.
  6. Click Duplicate.
  7. Click on the new configuration name to display its attribute setup.
  8. If you want to use the configuration provided by Oracle, then skip steps 9 through 11 and activate the configuration as described in step 12.
  9. If you want to change the way attributes display first, then click Actions and select Edit.
  10. Configure the attributes:
    1. Select one of the objects you want to configure for display on the left pane.
    2. In the right pane, locate the attribute you want to update and set the two parameters:
      • Make Available for Display: makes a field available for display on the UI.
      • Monitor for Changes: monitors the field for updates.
  11. When you're done, click Update.
  12. To make your configuration active, click Actions (the three dots) and select Activate. You must then confirm that you want to activate.

Use Actions (the three dots) menu to activate, delete, duplicate, and update your configurations.