KPI Filter Condition Operators for Custom Fields

You can use operators as part of the rule filter conditions when defining your KPI custom fields.

These are the three field types currently supported:
  • Fixed Choice List (FCL)

  • Text

  • Number

The following table lists the supported operators to use for defining rule filter conditions for the KPI custom fields. The underscore c ( _c ) attached to the attribute name, for example Score_c, denotes a custom field attribute.

Note: You can combine 2 or more conditions using the AND operator, for example, Status_c in ('DRAFT', "IN_PROGRESS") AND Score_c > 50. You can't use the OR operator for custom KPI filter conditions.




Type_c Equals 'NETNEW'

Score_c Equals 10


Status_c In ('DRAFT', 'IN_PROGRESS')

Score_c In (20, 30, 40)

Is Null

Comments_c Is Null

Is Not Null

Comments_c Is Not Null

Not Equals

Score_c Not Equals 50