Rule Conditions for Supported KPI Objects

You can use both standard and custom attribute (fields) to define rule filter conditions for your KPI.

If you're creating or editing custom KPIs, use the Attribute drop-down list from the Conditions section of the Create Custom KPI page and apply rule filter conditions to your custom KPI.

Note: The Attribute drop-down list is automatically populated with the correct predefined internal field name. For custom fields, you must enter the internal name of the custom field you previously created in Application Composer.

The following table lists the predefined fields available for adding filter conditions to each of the supported KPI objects.

KPI Object

Add Field


  • Account ID

  • Account Number

  • Activity

  • Activity Number

  • All Day

  • Assessment ID

  • Asset ID

  • Business Plan ID

  • Campaign ID

  • Case ID

  • Claim ID

  • Contact Number

  • Deal ID

  • Delegator

  • Direction

  • Externally Owned

  • Fund Request ID

  • Lead ID

  • Location

  • Location ID

  • Objective ID

  • Opportunity ID

  • Outcome

  • Owner

  • Owner ID

  • Partner Party ID

  • Partner Program ID

  • Percentage Complete

  • Primary Contact ID

  • Priority

  • Private

  • Resource Number

  • Service Request ID

  • Status

  • Subject

  • Subtype

  • Type


  • Account ID

  • Account Number

  • Channel ID

  • Channel Type

  • Contact ID

  • Contact Number

  • Direction

  • Interaction Number

  • Owner Resource ID

  • Resource Number

  • Status

  • Stripe Code

  • Substatus Code


  • Asset Number

  • Authority
  • Budgeted

  • Currency

  • Forecast
  • Line of Business

  • Name

  • Need
  • Opportunity Last Update Date

  • Opportunity Number

  • Owner

  • Primary Competitor

  • Primary Contact

  • Sales Channel

  • Sales Stage

  • Source
  • Status

  • Win Probability

  • Win/Loss Reason

Opportunity Revenue

  • Amount
  • Comments

  • Customer Product Group Name
  • Include in Forecast
  • Opportunity Number

  • Opportunity Status

  • Primary

  • Product

  • Product Group

  • Product Type
  • Recurrence Type Code
  • Revenue Number
  • Sales Channel

  • Sales Credit
  • Sales Credit Type
  • Split Type Code
  • Status

  • Win/Loss Reason

Sales Lead

  • Accepted

  • Account Name

  • Asset ID

  • Asset Number

  • Budget Status

  • Contact Email

  • Contact Time Zone

  • Customer ID

  • Deal Size

  • Job Title

  • Lead Created By

  • Lead Last Updated By

  • Lead Name

  • Lead Number

  • Owner

  • Owner ID

  • Primary Contact ID

  • Primary Contact Name

  • Primary Partner Identifier

  • Primary Group

  • Rank

  • Registration Number

  • Registration Status

  • Registration Type

  • Score

  • Source

  • Status