Manage Address Types

You can specify what address types are used in your sales application by editing the lookup type Party Site Use Code (PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE).

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Show: All Tasks

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  2. On the Manage Standard Lookups page, search for the lookup type PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE or the meaning Party Site Use Code.

  3. Your sales application uses only those values that are enabled and include the tag SALES_CLOUD.

    Here are the available values for sales:

    Lookup Code



    Bill to


    Sell to


    Ship to

  4. You can enable additional values for your sales application by entering SALES_CLOUD in the Tag field.

  5. You can also create address types of your own using the New button.

  6. Click Save and Close.