Show Account Invoices to the Sales Team

Let your sales team see the outstanding and paid invoices of accounts they handle. Enable the Invoices panel on an account foldout view so that invoices related to the account show up on the panel.

What You Need to Have Before Setting Up

  • CX Sales and Oracle Financials integrated.
  • The CX Sales accounts need to link to the financial billing accounts for the invoices to show up.

Setups Involved

  • Add the AR_VIEW_RECEIVABLES_INVOICE_PRIV privilege to the sales administrator, sales manager, and sales representative roles, and assign users who need to see the invoices.
  • Enable the Show Invoices check box in Smart Actions in Application Composer.
  • Enable the Invoices Panel on an object’s foldout view using the Visual Builder Studio.

Enable Show Invoices in Smart Actions

  1. Enter an active sandbox and navigate to Application Composer > Smart Actions.
  2. Search for Show Invoices.
  3. Ensure that the Enabled check box for Show Invoices is selected.
  4. Save your changes and publish the sandbox.

Enable the Invoices Panel on an Object’s Foldout View Using Visual Builder Studio

  1. Create a workspace in Visual Builder Studio.

    See "Create Your Own Workspace" in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Automation Extending Digital Sales (Next Gen Sales) guide. To access this guide, contact your Oracle representative.

  2. Sign in to the sales application and Visual Builder Studio simultaneously.
  3. In Digital Sales, go to the foldout view of any account to add the Invoices panel.
  4. On the Account foldout view, click your username in the global header and select Edit Page in Visual Builder.
  5. In the Visual Builder Studio, open the workspace you just created and click the Source icon on the left navigation pane.
  6. From Source, navigate to extension 1 > sources > self > applications > digital-sales > flows > mycustomers > pages > accounts-page.json.
  7. In the JSON tab, add the Invoices panel to the displayProperties list.
  8. Click the play icon to see the preview of the account foldout view with the Invoices panel.
  9. Click Publish.

    The Invoices panel appears on the account foldout view.