Manage Web Activity Rules

From the Web Activity Rules page, you can view previously created rules, create, edit, and delete a rule to either include or exclude all or any attributes for the Campaign and Web Activity objects.

Here's how to create, edit, and delete a web activity rule.
  1. Sign in as a sales administrators or user with the appropriate access privileges.
  2. From Application Composer > Web Activity Rules, navigate to the Web Activity Rules page and click Create.Screenshot showing the create web activity page
  3. In the Basic Details section, enter the name and a brief description of the rule and the type of web activity to want to define the rule.
  4. In the Rule Definition section, click Add Group to include or exclude groups of attributes for your selected object that you want to define for your web activity.
  5. Click Add Object to select either the Campaign and Web Activity objects. Select the attributes, operators, and values that you want to define for the conditions of your rules.Screenshot of web activy rule creation showing the include and exclude groups
    You can define multiple rules for each of your objects. Click the plus (+) sign at the end of each row to add another rule associated to your web activity type.
    Note: For date values, you can select the specific date that you want or you can specify a run date plus or minus a specific number of days in integer format. For example, for date-related attributes you specify a run date plus 7 days. This means that if all or any of the rules are met, the rule will continue to process and update records 7 days past the specified run date.
  6. When you're done with including and excluding group for the objects you want and have defined all the rule conditions, you can activate the rule by changing the Status field in the Basic Details section from Inactive to Active.
    You can only set 1 rule to Active for each web activity type.
  7. Click Save.

Change Web Activity Rules

  1. From Application Composer > Web Activity Rules, navigate to the Web Activity Rules page.
  2. In the Name field, double-click the rule you want to edit. Note that you can change the basic details expect for the name of the rule and you can change all or any of the rule conditions.
  3. Click Save to update the web activity rule name with your changes.
  4. To delete rules that no longer apply, select them from the list page and click Delete. Screenshots shows the Delete button after you select rules from the Web Activity Rules page