Modify the List of Reasons Opportunities Are Won or Lost

When they close an opportunity, salespeople enter the reasons why the opportunity was won or lost. The application comes with a predefined list that you can modify to suit your business:

  • Customer not ready

  • Good lead

  • Install base

  • Lost to competition

  • Lost to internal development

  • Lost to no decision

  • No bandwidth

  • No budget

  • Other

  • Price

  • Product

  • Relationship

  • Track record

Use these steps to modify the reasons:

  1. Open the task Manage Set Enabled Lookups from the Setup and Maintenance work area:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Set Enabled Lookups

  2. On the Manage Set Enabled Lookups page, Lookup Type field, enter MOO_SETID_WIN_LOSS_REASON.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Here's how you can add a new reason in the Lookup Codes section:

    1. Click Add (the plus sign icon).

    2. Enter an internal name in the Lookup Code field. No spaces permitted.

    3. Select Common Set from the Reference Data Set list.

    4. Select Enabled.

    5. Optionally, enter a start and end date.

    6. Enter the wording salespeople see as they close an opportunity in the Meaning field.

  5. You can modify an existing win/loss reason by selecting its row.

  6. Save your changes.