Enable Group By and Custom Aggregations for Opportunities

Additional predefined fields are now available for Group By and Aggregations for opportunities.

Previously, salespeople could group opportunities by Quarter, Month, and Sales Stage, and aggregate opportunity records by Opportunity Count and Revenue Amount fields. With Digital Sales, they now have access to other group-by options including group ranges and values. You can also enable the group-by feature on any supported opportunity fields including custom fields and configure aggregations to display predefined enabled aggregated fields in the opportunity pipeline list.

For example, a salesperson might want to group opportunities by a custom Invoice Date field that isn't based on the predefined Close Date field or they might want to group by Deal Size with specified defined ranges. You can enable further aggregations on custom fields and define the aggregation label. For example, for Deal Size, you might want to aggregate a custom revenue field or aggregate a different custom revenue field for an Expected Revenue aggregation.

Manage Opportunity Group By Field

Predefined fields are available for Opportunities for display as filters for your Group By search in Workspace, but you can specify field values for display as a filter in your Group By search by going to the Configure Adaptive Search > Configure UI > Enable for Group By.

This list contains the standard predefined configuration for opportunity group by fields.

  • Sales Stage

  • Win Probability (PrimaryRevenue.WinProb)

  • Month - on close date (EffectiveDate)

  • Quarter - on close date

  • Account (CustomerAccount)

See the related topics, Set Up Search Results in Groups, and Supported Objects and Predefined Fields for Group By from the Adaptive Search and Workspace chapter of the Implementation Reference guide for more information.