Navigate to the Common Configuration Tool

Here's how to navigate to the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool.

  1. Sign in to the Oracle CX Sales application as a user with a Sales Administrator role.

  2. Select or create a sandbox that you want to use for your configurations. Make sure that your sandbox includes Application Composer as an active tool.

  3. Open Application Composer by selecting Application Composer under the Configuration category in the Navigator menu.

  4. Under the Common Setup Menu, click Oracle Sales Assistant Setup.

  5. Click the Common Configurations tab to open the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool.

When the Common Configurations tool opens, it first checks if there are skills compatible with current version of your sales application. Currently, Oracle only supports the same skill version as the latest sales application version. For example, if your sales application version is 21.04, then the skill version must also be 21.04. A message is displayed if there are no skills found with the same version.

If a skill version matches your sales application, then the Common Configurations tool displays both a left panel and a right panel. The right will be empty. The left panel consists of 1 main Synonyms section.