Recommendations Displayed on Opportunity Pages

Your salespeople see recommendations for their opportunities when AI Apps models detect that taking a particular action improves the chances of winning an opportunity. Recommendations provide useful actions to help salespeople convert their opportunity to a win.

Recommended Action Type

Action (Displayed in Oracle CX Sales)

Description (Displayed in Oracle CX Sales)

Activity Frequency Low

Contact this account

Log more activities for this opportunity. Opportunities that we win have more frequent contact.

Time Since Last Activity High

Contact this account today

Speak to this account since there has been a gap in activities. Opportunities that we win have more frequent contact.

Deal Size High

Consider whether this deal size is realistic

Improve the win probability by decreasing the deal size if appropriate.

Contact Count Low

Broaden your contact base

Engage with more contacts as similar opportunities that closed with a win had engagement with more contacts.

Total Activities Low

Contact this account

Log more activities for this opportunity. Opportunities that we win have more activities.

Competitive Influence Strong

Review competitive plays

Improve your chances of winning by ensuring that you're well-differentiated from the primary competitor.

Deal Size Low

Consider increasing the deal size

Improve the win probability by increasing the deal size if appropriate.

Age High

Check that your opportunity is still relevant

Typically, similar opportunities close much faster.

Contact Title Low Converting

Verify that the primary contact is the decision maker

Review the decision-making ability of the primary contact to improve your chances of winning.

Time Spent in Stage High

Verify the sales stage

Verify that the sales stage shows the correct status. Similar opportunities that closed with a win are no longer in this stage after this length of time.

Momentum Low

Review sales stage and increase momentum

Increase momentum as similar opportunities that closed with a win moved through the sales stages faster.

An administrator can edit the default recommended actions to suit your requirements. See Set Up Best Sales Action for Opportunities for details.