Refresh the Digital Assistants

Oracle updates both digital assistants used in Sales (FADigitalAssistant and the CX Text Analyzer) once very release and multiple times between releases. To get the full benefit of the feature, you must ensure that you have the latest version that corresponds to your sales application version.

Here's how to get the latest updates:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Digital Assistant as the user granted the administrative privilege.
  2. Click the Navigator.
  3. Expand the Development menu item.
  4. Click Store (callout 1 in the screenshot).
  5. In the Skill Store, search for FADigitalAssistant or CX Text Analyzer.
  6. Locate the version that corresponds to your application version. The first four digits of the version number correspond to the release. For example, Version 22.04.33 (callout 1 in the following screenshot) corresponds to applications version 22A. The last two digits show the FADigitalAssistant version.
  7. Click Display all versions of this skill (callout 2 in the screenshot).

    Oracle Digital Assistant skill store highlighting the features described in the text

  8. Find the latest version for your release (the highest number) (callout 1 in the following screenshot).
  9. Click Actions (three vertical dots highlighted by callout 2) and select Pull (callout 3).

    Oracle Digital Assistant skill store highlighting the features described in the text

  10. Now select the refreshed skill in the channel:
    1. Click Channels.
    2. Select the channel to refresh the skill in the list of channels.
    3. In the Route to field, select the new skill version.
    4. In the Change Channel Routing dialog, click Change.