Run Scheduled Processes for Rollups

The Monitor tab on the Define Rollups page contains these scheduled processes that you can run for rollups:

  • Rollup Full Refresh
  • Rollup Account Hierarchy and Linked Records Refresh
  • Rollup Incremental Refresh
  • Data Cleanup

Full Refresh Process

Run a full refresh every time you publish a rollup. Here are the steps to trigger a full refresh:

  1. Publish a rollup.
  2. Go to Monitor > Full Refresh.
  3. Click Start Process to run the Rollup Full Refresh scheduled process.

    After the full refresh completes, your users can see the rollup value as a metric in the Digital Sales UI.

    Also, it’s recommended that you schedule a full refresh once in a day during the non-operational hours of your organization.
    Note: The full refresh job, when scheduled once a day, considers the calculation frequency set for aging rollups before recalculating their values.

Enforce Recalculation

A full refresh doesn’t run any previously published rollups. This is because the volume of records that the rollup engine has to process is too high, affecting the performance. If you want to recalculate a previously published rollup, use the Enforce Recalculation option to include it in the full refresh.

Here's how you can use the Enforce Recalculation option:

  1. Open a previously published rollup.
  2. On the Edit Rollups page, click Actions and select Enforce Recalculation.
  3. Go to Monitor > Full Refresh.
  4. Click Start Process.

    After the full refresh completes, your users can see the latest rollup value in the Digital Sales UI.

Incremental Refresh Process

The Rollup Incremental Refresh scheduled process runs automatically at scheduled intervals to update published rollups with the latest calculations. This process is necessary because changes made to contacts, opportunities, leads, activities, or other related objects, affect the rollup values. The Rollup Incremental Refresh scheduled process is based on the Calculation Frequency set for the rollups.

Note: Set the frequency to schedule the Rollup Incremental Refresh process. On the Monitor tab, you can see the status of the process, but you can't run it manually.

Rollup Account Hierarchy and Linked Records Refresh

The Rollup Account Hierarchy and Linked Records Refresh is only for accounts.

The rollup engine doesn't register changes you make to the account hierarchy. So, run the Hierarchy Refresh process whenever you change or delete an account node. The recommended frequency is to run this job every 24 hours.

  1. Go to the Monitor > Hierarchy Refresh.
  2. Click Start Process to run the Rollup Account Hierarchy and Linked Records Refresh scheduled process.
    Note: Instead of running the Rollup Account Hierarchy and Linked Records Refresh process manually every time, you can schedule a daily refresh.

Data Cleanup Process

When you unpublish or delete a rollup, the application prompts you to clear up the data.
  • Select Initialize on Schedule to let the Data Cleanup scheduled process clear the data.
  • Select Initialize Now to initiate the data cleanup immediately.

Warning message shown when unpublishing a rollup.

Rollup and Adaptive Search Scheduled Process Considerations

You must run a rollup Full Refresh each time there's a change to a rollup configuration. A change to the configuration results whenever a rollup object is created, deleted, published, or unpublished. Once the full refresh process is completed for the rollup, run the Adaptive Search Partial Publish indexing process to publish only those objects that have changed their configuration.

For example, if you create a rollup called Num Of Open Opty to calculate the number of open opportunities for the Account object, then after running a Full Refresh, you perform the one time activity of running an Adaptive Search Partial Publish for the Account object as follows:

  1. Run the Partial Process from the Actions menu in the Advanced tab of the Configure Adaptive Search setup task.

  2. Once the Num Of Open Opty rollup is available in your Workspace for Account, run the Rollup Incremental Refresh scheduled process job to create an indexing request after an hour (default configuration) and the subsequent Adaptive Search Periodic Refresh will index the new rollup.
    Note: This is applicable only for regular (non aging) rollups. The Rollup Incremental Refresh scheduled process runs automatically at scheduled intervals to update published rollups with the latest calculations.
  3. You can schedule a Full Refresh for any existing aging rollups that are available in Workspace. The recommended schedule for the rollup Full Refresh is once a day but you can schedule it to run more frequently depending on your requirements.

    The Adaptive Search Periodic Refresh scheduled process must be completed before the latest rollup data will be available in Workspace. The Periodic Refresh process enables you to search for imported records or records updated by background processes and will be available for search after the indexing process completes.
    Note: This is applicable only for aging rollups.
  4. You can choose to recalculate a previously published rollup by selecting the Enforce Recalculation option to include it in the full refresh of the rollup. So, at any point, if your rollup data is available in Workspace and you select the Enforce Recalculation option, the subsequent Adaptive Search Periodic Refresh will sync the latest data in Workspace.