Change the Calculation Frequency of a Rollup

Calculation frequency indicates how often the rollup engine should recalculate the rollup values. By default, the frequency for Aging rollups is once a day, and for Regular rollups, it's once an hour.

Here's how you change the frequency:

  1. Open a rollup.
  2. Under Advanced Settings in the edit page, change the Calculation Frequency of the rollup.
  3. Maximum Number of Days for Data Selection: This field appears only for Interaction and Activity-based aging rollups, such as Total Calls Made and Total Open Activities. The maximum is 120 days, and this is the default value. The rollup engine uses the data from the past 120 days until today to calculate the rollup.
    Note: Ensure that the number of days is within 120 to avoid performance slowdown during a full refresh.
  4. Click Save and Close.

    The rollup engine uses the new frequency in its next run.

Refer to Create Rollups to learn more about Aging and Regular rollups.