Create New Rollups

Here are the steps to create a new rollup:

  1. Enter basic details and define the source object.
  2. Define the related object.
  3. Define the hierarchy rollup to include the account hierarchy calculations in the rollup.
  4. Define calculation frequency in Advanced Settings.

You do all of these tasks in Application Composer under Advanced Setup > Define Rollups.

Enter Basic Details and Define the Source Object

  1. Enter Name and Description for the new rollup.
  2. Rollup Type:
    • Aging: Select Aging to calculate a rollup value for a specific period. For example, you want to create a rollup for the total open activities in the last 30 days.
    • Regular: Select Regular if the rollup you're creating doesn't have to be time-bound.
  3. Source Object: Select a source object. For example, Account.
    Note: You can’t use custom objects as source objects.
  4. Rollup Attribute: This attribute stores the rollup value. For example, the Last Call Made and Open Opportunity Revenue attributes show the rollup values in the Accounts area of Digital Sales.

    If you're creating a custom rollup for CX Sales, you can use the formula fields to build a rollup attribute. See the Configure Custom Rollups Using the Formula Fields topic to learn more.

  5. Source Object Filter: This field is enabled for source object rollups that don't need a related object, such as Total Number of Employees.

    Use this field to create rules. For example, you can create a rule to calculate the Total Number of Employees for only accounts or only prospects.

    Note: Source Object Filter isn't supported if the application needs to traverse the hierarchy, because it impacts performance.

Define the Related Object

The related object fields are available for selection only when the Rollup Attribute belongs to non-account objects, such as Opportunity, Activity, or Service Request.

  1. Related Object: This field shows the objects related to the source object. For example, if the source object is Account, its related objects, such as Contact, Activity, Interaction, Sales Lead, Opportunity, Quotes and Orders, and Service Requests, show up in the list.
    Note: You can’t use custom objects as related objects.
    • The Maximum Number of Days for Data Selection field is enabled for interaction-based rollups, such as Total Calls Made and Total Open Activities. The maximum is 120 days and this is the default value. The rollup engine uses the data from the past 120 days until today to calculate the rollup.
  2. Relationship: Select the relationship between the source object and the related object. For example, select Account-to-Opportunity if the related object is Opportunity.
  3. Aggregate Function: Select the function you want the rollup to perform for the related rollup attribute. The functions shown in the drop-down list depend on the Rollup Attribute you selected under Source Object. Here are the available options:
    • Count: Select Count if you want a total number. For example, calls made to an account or number of employees.
    • Sum: Select Sum if you want to get a cumulative total. For example, revenue from all the open opportunities of an account.
    • Maximum: Maximum is used to identify the last call made or the last email sent when you're tracking the last Creation Date for an activity. Maximum doesn't work for the number of calls made.
    • Minimum: Minimum is used to identify the first call made or the first email sent when you're tracking the first Creation Date for an activity.
  4. Related Attribute: This is the attribute of the Related Object used to calculate the rollup.
    • Example 1: Use Creation Date from the Interactions object to calculate the date of the most recent call made to an account.
    • Example 2: Use Amount from the Opportunity object to calculate the Total Potential Revenue from Open Opportunities.
  5. Related Object Filter: Use this field to create rules around the related object. For example, write a query like this to aggregate Total Potential Revenue from only qualified and unqualified open leads: StatusCode IN ('QUALIFIED', 'UNQUALIFIED') AND DEAL AMOUNT IS NULL.

    If you want to calculate a rollup based on the fiscal year periods of the accounting calendar for CX Sales, can use the period tokens when building the Related Object Filter criteria. See the Use the Accounting Calendar Time Periods for Your Rollups topic to learn more.

Include Hierarchy Changes

This section is relevant only for Account rollups.

  1. Hierarchy Rollup: Select the check box to include hierarchies in the Account rollups.
  2. Hierarchy Rollup Attribute: This field stores the aggregated value from the Account and its child accounts.
  3. Aggregation Function: This field shows the same aggregate function you defined for the Related Object. You must select a value here if the rollup is a source object rollup, such as an Account rollup.

Define Advanced Settings

You define the calculation frequency of a rollup under the Advanced Settings. See the topic, Change the Calculation Frequency of a Rollup, to learn more.

After you're done, click Save and Close to save the rollup.