Setup Assistant and Geography Data

Using Setup Assistant, you can import the geography data for up to three countries at a time. Here's an explanation of what geography setups Setup Assistant completes for you and which you must complete manually as described in this chapter.

What Setup Assistant Does for You

  • Imports the geography data for up to three countries each time you run it.

  • Enables the mapping of addresses for a specific country when you select the Geocoding option for that country.

  • If you selected the Geocoding option for any country, the application schedules the Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Information process to automatically generate geographic coordinates from addresses. Oracle CX Sales Mobile and other applications use this to put addresses on a map.

What You Must Complete Manually

  • You must set up validation for address elements that you are using for sales territory assignment.

    If you're assigning accounts to salespeople by state, for example, having a list of values for States ensures that salespeople don't make mistakes during manual address entry.

  • Import geographies for additional countries.

  • Enable geocoding for additional countries.

  • If you didn't turn on geocoding in Setup Assistant, you must run the Populate Location Latitude and Longitude Process on a regular schedule.