View the Industry Codes for Accounts

Here's how to find the account classification codes to use in the Industry Code column in the account import macro.

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Accounts and Contacts

    • Task: Manage Classification Categories

  2. In the Search region of the Manage Classification Categories page, enter the classification category name in the Classification Category field. For the default category provided by Oracle, enter CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click the classification category name.

    Use the classification codes listed in the Classification Code column on the page for entries in the import macro.

    Here's a screenshot of a part of the Classification Category page for the CUSTOMER_CATEGORY provided by Oracle.

    This figure shows a screen capture of a partial Classification Category page for the CUSTOMER_CATEGORY classification provided by Oracle. The Classification Codes region show the Classification Code Meaning column which contains the wording the users sees and the Classification Code column with the technical code. The classification code meaning and classification code value pairs on the page are: Services, SERVICES; Media and Entertainment, MEDIA_AND_ENTERTAINMENT; Metals and Mining, METALS_AND_MINING; Non-profit, NON-PROFIT; Real Estate, REAL_ESTATE.
  5. Click Done.