Create an Appointment

To save time, create appointments from an account, an opportunity, a lead, or a contact. Creating the appointment from a record you’re viewing automatically displays the appointment in the Activities list for that record. When you create the appointment from the Activities work area, you have to link the appropriate record yourself. If you create stand-alone appointments, these are visible only in the Activities work area or the Sales Dashboard for the resources associated to the appointment.

Before you create an appointment, make sure you know when the people you're inviting are available. The appointments in Digital Sales aren't linked to the Outlook calendar or other calendars. Your contacts receive an email invitation for the appointments you create, as long as your administrator has enabled email notifications for appointments. Other salespeople you add as resources to your appointments receive an automatic notification through email and the Notifications (Bell icon) feature.

Create an Appointment from an Account, an Opportunity, a Lead, or a Contact

  1. Navigate to the appropriate work area.

  2. In the landing page, find the record in the list and select Create Appointment from the Actions list.

  3. While you're viewing an individual record, you can instead enter create in the Action Bar and select the Create Appointment action from there.

  4. Select the appointment type and enter the basic details about the appointment.
    Note: Selecting Web Conference as the appointment type schedules a Zoom or another type of web conference. For details, see the Create a Web Conference Appointment topic.
  5. You can receive a reminder using the Notifications feature by selecting a time interval in the Set Reminder field.
  6. In Appointment Details, add the contacts and resources you're inviting.

    Note: The first contact you add to an appointment is marked as the primary contact. After you add more contacts, you can designate a different contact as the primary contact.
  7. You can also:

    • Add attachments by dragging files to Drag and Drop, or click the region to select.
    • Set the appointment to show you as busy by making a selection from the Show Time As list.

    • Make a selection from the Response field to indicate if you accept or decline the appointment. Your response is recorded in the list of resources.

    • See who else is invited and who has responded and how, by checking the Appointment Details.

  8. Click Save.

  9. If you want the appointment to be visible in the Activities lists of other related records, then edit the appointment you just created and select them. You can associate an appointment with only one account, one lead, and one opportunity or a combination of these.

Create an Appointment from the Activities Work Area

  1. Navigate to the Activities work area.
  2. Click in the search field and select Create Appointment.
  3. Select the appointment type and enter the basic details about the appointment.
    Note: Selecting Web Conference as the appointment type schedules a Zoom or another type of web conference. For details, see the Create a Web Conference Appointment topic.
  4. You can add one or more of the following to the appointment: an opportunity, a lead, or an account. Adding a record displays the appointment in the list of activities for that record.
  5. You can receive a reminder using the Notifications feature by selecting a time interval in the Set Reminder field.
  6. Click Appointment Details and add any additional contacts and resources. The appointment becomes visible in the list of activities for any contact you add.
  7. Click Save.