Create a Web Conference Appointment

Here's how to create and schedule a web conference meeting from the Create an Appointment page.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate work area for the object you want.

  2. In the landing page, find the account that you want in the list and select Create Appointment from the Actions menu.

    Note: While you're viewing an individual record, you can instead enter "create" in the Action Bar and select the Create Appointment action from there.
  3. Enter the basic details about the appointment and in the Type field, select Web Conference.

  4. Expand Appointment Details and add the contacts and resources you want to add as participants to the web conference appointment.

    Note: The first contact you add to an appointment is marked as the primary contact. After you add more contacts, you can designate a different contact as the primary contact.

    The primary contact on the record and the owner of the record are invited automatically in addition to any other contacts you added.

  5. Click Save.

    If web conferencing is enabled, a meeting is created and the meetings details, meeting ID, and URL is automatically displayed on the appointment details area. In addition, the web conference appointment displays as pending on the activities list for your account, contact, lead, or opportunity.