Primary Phones, Primary Emails, and Primary Addresses

Although you can enter multiple phone numbers, multiple email addresses, and multiple street addresses for each contact and account, it’s the ones specified as primary that are the most important.

It’s the primary number, the primary email, and the primary street address that shows up in Oracle-provided saved searches and in information summaries, for example.

And when you use the Action Bar to call a phone number or a send an email, you’re always calling the primary number and emailing the primary email address.

As a rule, the first phone number, email address, and street address you enter for a contact or account automatically becomes primary.

If you enter both the work phone and mobile phone numbers for a contact when creating a contact, the work phone becomes the primary phone.

When you use one of the Add actions in the Action Bar, you can specify the phone number, email, or street address you’re adding as the new primary.

You can always get a list of all the phones, email addresses, and street addresses to find out which of them is primary using the Show command in the Action Bar. You can then specify another one as primary.