Sales Dashboard

Use the Sales Dashboard to review key details about your day. Details include pipeline, upcoming appointments, and overdue tasks.

The Sales Dashboard includes two types of information:

  • Lists of key items that you can take action on either directly from the dashboard or by drilling down. These lists are generated from saved searches.
  • Graphic visualizations of your sales data generated either from the saved searches or by Oracle BI analytics.

Dashboard Panels and Tiles

  • The tiles at the top of the page list the number of important work items. There's a tile showing your overdue tasks (callout 1 in the screenshot), scheduled appointments, open leads, and so on. Clicking on a tile displays the list.
  • The bottom section of the page displays the most important items from various lists or displays graphics of your information:
    • My Open Opportunities (callout 2) lists opportunities that are closing soon. You can take an action on an item in the list by clicking Actions (the three dot icon, callout 3) or you can click View all to see the complete list of open opportunities.
    • Sales Pipeline (callout 4) displays a graphic of your pipeline by sales stage. Click the opportunity stages to get a list of opportunities at each stage.
    • My List shows the accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities you last accessed, or that have an associated activity. Items accessed more often get higher priority.
Sales Dashboard for sales representatives highlighting different regions explained in the text
Note: Your application administrator determines what information appears in the dashboard for each role.