Landing Pages

When you click a sales object on the home page, the application automatically runs the default saved search for that object and displays the results on the landing page. The page shows either a list of the results or the first item on the list.

The List View

Most of the time, you see a list on the landing page. Here's the list view for leads. Other work areas are very similar.

My Open Leads list

Callout Number


What You Can Do


The name of the saved search that's displaying the list that you’re seeing on the page.

Display a different saved search from the search field.


List of filters applied in the saved search.

The record set filter specifies the set of records that you can search. For example, My Open Leads displays all the unqualified leads you own. The list of filter criteria builds as you add filters and search terms. If there are no filters, you're seeing a list of all of the records that you have permission to view.

  • Remove the filter criteria by clicking them.

  • Add filter criteria from the search field.


Search field

Click in the search field to:

  • Switch to another saved search.

  • Enter search terms.

  • Enter filters to narrow down the search.

  • Create records.

4 Results You always know how many records match your search terms.


Group by

Select an attribute to group the information in your list. For example, selecting Status for a lead, breaks down your lead search results by status.


Actions on individual items in your search results.

Select an item in the list to display the actions. For example, on the contacts landing page, click Call to call the primary number for a contact. Click Send Email to send an email to the primary email address and so on.


List of Actions related to search result display.

Here you can choose which columns appear in search results, for example.


Actions on individual items in your list

Take actions on individual items in your search results. For leads, you can accept or qualify a lead, for example.

8 Select multiple items for action. Take action on multiple items at the same time. Just select to see which actions area available. For example, selecting three unqualified leads, lets you qualify them all at the same time.


Columns and sort controls

  • Rearrange columns by dragging them.

  • Sort results by one of the columns.

10 Export You can export your search results to Microsoft Excel.



Save your search criteria and filters as a new saved search.

First Item on the List

Administrators can configure the Contacts and Leads landing pages to display the overview of the first record on the list rather than the list itself. You can then navigate through the list using the Next button (callout 2 in the screenshot). You can click the list name (callout 1) to return to the list view.

Landing page with first record overview