Quick Tips to Get Started

This topic covers some basics to get started with Digital Sales.

Where to Start

  • Click the Digital Sales tab at the top of the home page to view the different Digital Sales work areas available to you.
  • The Sales Dashboard is a good place to start your day. It shows you what's important for you to work on. You can open key work items directly from the dashboard. But don't forget to click Notifications (the bell icon) to see incoming customer communications and reminders. Notifications aren't included in the Sales Dashboard.

  • My List shows the accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities that you worked on recently, and those that have associated activities. Items you use most often are shown first.

Search for Your Records

Search for your records on the landing pages by keyword. You can search for records by words in the name or by related information, such as the name of the account or city where the account is located. Your search is constrained by the saved search that you select. For the broadest search, always select the "All" saved search, such as All Accounts.


  • Scroll to see hidden panels on a record. To scroll you can swipe on a touch screen, use the mouse wheel, or use the Tab key.

  • Bookmark important records so you can come back to them later.

  • Use the back button on your browser to go back.

  • Open multiple records on different tabs.

  • Open related objects in a separate tab by right-clicking and selecting Open in New Tab.

    While viewing a contact, right-click on the account name at the top of the page to open the account record in a separate tab. Or, while viewing an account, right-click on any of the contact names to display their records in a separate tab.

    Right-click action on Account name

Work with Your Records

  • When you're viewing records, you see what's important at a glance. You won't see complex pages with empty fields, buttons, and options. We've eliminated all the clutter.

  • Use the Action Bar to take actions and to update information. Enter update and select what you want to update. Want to add a contact to the opportunity? Enter Add and select Add Contact. If you don't remember what actions are available, just start typing and see what the Action Bar suggests.

  • The Activities page of each record displays past and future tasks and appointments, as well as notes, emails, calls, and important updates.

  • Use the Action Bar to filter activities, and follow up on email conversations with customers. You can also use the Action Bar to search the text of notes, tasks, and emails in Activities using single keywords. The Action Bar filters and searches Activities, but not the other information displayed in the panels.