Saved Searches

Saved searches store all of your search criteria, filters, and formatting. Use saved searches to create lists of useful information in each work area. For example, you can create a saved search to track accounts in a particular country, or a list of opportunities closing in the next month.

When you go to a work area, your defaul saved search set for that area runs. Select a different saved search by placing your cursor in the search field. Generally, search results display as a list on the landing page. You can also have saved searches for contacts and leads display the first item in the list.

Sales administrators predefine lists for different roles in the organization. Sales users have many ways to work with saved searches.

  • Create saved searches of your own.
  • Hide the ones you don’t like.
  • Specify which one you like to see by default when you open a work area.
  • For the contacts and leads saved searches, you can view the first record in the list.