Search and Filter Activities in a Record

You can search and filter the activities in a record using the Action Bar.

You can use keywords to search all activities including notes, tasks, and appointments as well as the text of all communications, including emails, call notes, and web session notes. You can search on any keyword except for words that denote actions in the application, such as email and call, for example.

To filter, just enter the word filter in the Action Bar, and then select the filter. For example, you can select Filter Phone Communications to view all call logs for calls. You can use keywords in combination with filters.

This screenshot shows the result of an activities keyword search with a filter applied. Both keywords and filters you used in your search appear under the Action Bar.

Filter and Keyword Search Results Example

Callout Description
1 Action Bar
2 Filters you selected, such as the Phone Communications filter in this screenshot, appear under the Action Bar.
3 Keywords you entered appear in single parentheses.
Activities page with filter and keyword search