Action Bar at the Top of the Record Overview

The Action Bar is a search box at the top of every record overview. It is key to working in Digital Sales.

Tips for Using the Action Bar

Here are ways that you can take actions on a record.

Action How to get the result

To get to your most frequently used items.

Put your cursor in the Action Bar and choose from the list of suggested actions.
To update information Start typing an action or the name of a field that you want to update and select what you want to do from the list of suggestions. For example, entering add for an account displays a list of things you can add to the account such as a contact, or a team member.
Get suggestions for actions that you can take. For suggestions, the Action Bar looks for key verbs and names of objects and fields. Entering update gets you a list of things you can update. Entering address gets you Add Address and Update Address because both actions relate to addresses. You don't have to remember all of the verbs, many times a synonym will do. The Action Bar understands if you enter "edit" instead of "update".

The Action Bar displays different suggestions for different sales objects. For example, "Qualify" is an action you can take on a lead, but not on an account.

To follow up with a contact. Go to that account and enter the action call or email and press Return. This starts the call or opens the email compose window. If you take these actions from an account or an opportunity with multiple contacts, the action is directed to the primary contact.
To display activities of a particular type. To display only a specific type of information in Activities, enter filter and select what you want to display.
To search by keyword through the text of emails, notes, and tasks in Activities.

Enter a keyword for something that you want to find in Activities and press Return. For example, entering service and pressing Return, displays all tasks, appointments, notes, emails, and call logs that include the word "service". You can enter multiple keywords to narrow down your search.

Email threads display only the first line of each email, so the search works only on the first line of emails. You can only search on words that aren't one of the keywords, so you can't search on the word "update" for example.

Apply Filters

Here are some of filters that you can enter in the Action Bar to narrow down the list of activities in a record.


What It Displays


All scheduled and past appointments.


All scheduled and past tasks.


All notes.

Field Changes

All field updates.

All Communication

All emails and phone call notes.

Email Communication

All email threads.

Phone Communication

All call logs.

Get a List of Suggested Actions

The list of suggestions is different for every object, but here's some samples of what you get when you enter key terms for accounts.

  • Enter show to display all the information you can review on an account.



    show Activities

    Takes you to the page where you can review and update activities, take notes, update tasks, reply to emails, and so on.

    show Addresses Displays all of the addresses for the account. Here you can specify address type and designate any address as the primary address.

    show Attachments

    Add attachments and access existing ones.

    show Email Addresses Displays all of the email addresses. You can classify the purpose of each email and designate one as primary for the account. From here, you can edit the email addresses to specify if they're OK to use or not.

    show Leads

    Display a list of all of the leads related to the account that you have permission to access.

    show Opportunities

    Display a list of all opportunities related to the account that you have permission to access.

    show Phone Numbers Displays all the phone numbers for the account. You can classify the purpose of each phone number and designate one as primary for the account. From here, you can edit the phone numbers to specify if they're OK to use or not.

    show Service Requests

    Display a list of all service requests you have permission to view.

    show Team Members

    View and edit sales team members.

  • Entering add gets you these suggestions.



    Add Address

    Add an address.

    Add Contact

    Add a contact to the account.

    Add Team Member

    Add another salesperson to the account team.

    Update Address

    Update the primary account address.

    Filter add

    Searches Activities for all instances of the word "add".

  • Entering update provides you with a list of individual fields you can update.



    update Address

    Update the primary account address. You can add only one address for an account at this time.

    update Industry

    Update the primary industry classification for the account.

    update Number of Employees

    Update the number of employees.

    update Organization Name

    Update the account name.

    update Owner

    Enter the salesperson who owns this account.

    update Parent Company

    Enter the parent account for this account in the account hierarchy.

    update Phone

    Update the primary phone for the account.

    update Primary Contact

    Update the primary phone number.

    update Type

    Specify if the account is a customer or a prospect.

    update website

    Enter the account web address.

    Filter update

    Search the account activities for the word "update".

    Tip: Dislike long lists? Just enter the field name without entering "update" first. Or you can update all of these fields in one place on the Account Details page (Account Details > Edit).
  • Enter filter to zero in on the information that you want to review in Activities.


    What It Displays

    filter Appointments

    All scheduled and past appointments.

    filter Tasks

    All scheduled and past tasks.

    filter Notes

    All notes.

    filter Field Changes

    All field updates.

    filter All Communication

    All emails and phone call notes.

    filter Email Communication

    All email threads.

    filter Phone Communication

    All call logs.

  • Enter create to display what related objects you can create.



    create Appointments

    Creates an appointment.

    create Asset

    Creates an asset for the account.

    create Contact

    Creates a contact.

    create Note

    Creates a note about the account.

    create Opportunity

    Creates an opportunity for the account.

    create Service Request

    Creates a service request.

    create Task

    Creates a task for the account.

  • Entering opportunity lists two actions.



    Create Opportunity

    Creates an opportunity for the account.

    Filter opportunity

    Search the account activities for the word "update".