Use Group By and Custom Aggregations for Opportunities

You can display search results in groups based on the specific fields on your opportunities. View an overview of the number of records in each Grouped By grouping and search and filter records within these groupings.

You can also view aggregates such as count, average, minimum, maximum, and sum of values on the records of each group. Count aggregations are available on each group by default.

Manage Opportunity Group By Field

Use Group By to view opportunities arranged into groups for various stages of the pipeline. You can view data aggregates for each group, such as grouping opportunities by month and viewing the total revenue for each month.

Here's how to apply aggregations to your grouped by opportunities.

Click Manage Group By (the pencil icon on the right of the opportunity page highlighted in the screenshot.

  1. Access Manage Group By by clicking the Action menu (3 horizontal dots icon) on the right of the Group By field highlighted in the screenshot. You can also change which columns are displayed on the page by selecting the Manage Column item.

    Screenshot of a portion of the Opportunity page highlighting the location of the Manage Group By menu item
  2. Click Manage Group By to open the Manage Group By page where you can define the aggregation you want.

  3. Select the Aggregate Field and Aggregate Function that you want to apply to your aggregation.

  4. Click Apply.