Add Additional Attributes to Define Subset Rules

You define subset rules as a part of creating a duplicate identification batch.

These rules, also known as batch selection criteria rules, retrieve a subset of records from the database in the duplicate identification batch for matching them against one another as well as against other records in the database. You can define these rules on the Create Duplicate Identification Batch page using the available objects, attributes, and operators, followed by an AND or OR condition.

In case the attributes available out of the box on this UI don't meet your business requirements you can add additional standard or custom account (organization) or contact (person) attributes.

To add new attributes to the batch selection criteria, you must add the required attributes to the lookup types ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_PERSON and ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_ORGANIZATION, as lookup codes. Before you update the lookup types, you must identify the display name and API (internal) name for each attribute that you want to add.

Identify Display Name and API Name for an Attribute

You must identify the display name and the API (internal) name of the attributes that you want to add as subset rule selection criteria.

You can find the list of standard attributes for accounts and contacts, along with their lookup code, display name (meaning), and API name (tag), from the topic "List of Additional Attributes for Subset Rule ". Use the following steps to identify the display name and the API name of the custom attributes of an account (organization) or contact (person) using Application Composer.

Note: You can view and update objects in Application Composer only if you're in an active sandbox.
  1. Sign in as a setup user, such as Master Data Management Application Administrator, and navigate to Application Composer.

  2. Expand the Standard Objects list and navigate to Account or Contact.

  3. Click Fields under Account or Contact. The Fields page appears.

  4. Select the Custom tab to see the list of available attributes.

  5. Click the Display Label link that you want to add. The Edit Custom Field page appears.

  6. Copy the Display Name and the API Name.

Update Attribute Lookups with New Attributes

You can add new attributes to the subset selection criteria, by adding the required attributes to the attribute lookup types for person (contact) object ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_PERSON or to the organization (account) object, ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_ORGANIZATION, respectively.

You can follow these steps to add the required attributes to the attribute lookup types as lookup codes:

  1. Sign in as a setup user, such as Master Data Management Application Administrator. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  2. Search for and navigate to the task Manage Standard Lookups.

  3. Enter the required Lookup Type.

    • Use the lookup type ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_ORGANIZATION to add new custom or standard attributes to the subset rule selection criteria of the organization (account) object.

    • Use the lookup type ZCH_MATCH_OBJ_PERSON to add new attributes to the subset rule selection criteria of the person (contact) object.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Click New on the Lookup Codes section of the Manage Standard Lookups page.

  6. Add a Lookup Code for each attribute.

    • Lookup Code: An internal name for the attribute. This field is case-sensitive. The value should be in all capital letters and the space should be replaced with an underscore. For example, CUSTOM_ATTR can be a lookup code for custom attribute.

      Note: For date fields, you must suffix the lookup code with _DATE. This enables the application to identify the attribute value as date and display the date picker.
    • Display Sequence: The order in which the lookup code must be displayed. This isn't a mandatory field.

    • Meaning: The display name of the attribute. This field is mandatory and case-sensitive.

    • Description: The description of attribute that you see on the duplicate identification work area.

    • Tag: The API (Internal) Name of the attribute. This field is mandatory and case-sensitive.

  7. Click Save and close.

To hide or remove any attribute, you must delete the lookup code.

Note: You must publish the sandbox to activate the newly added attributes. Only after you publish the sandbox, the newly added attributes appears in the Subset Rules for Identifying Duplicates section of the Create Duplicate Identification Batch page. If the sandbox isn't published, the tag value with the attribute name is considered invalid.