Considerations for Creating Duplicate Identification Batches

You can create a duplicate identification batch using the following options:

  • Create the duplicate identification batch from scratch for a single or periodic run.

  • Create the duplicate identification batch from a copy of an existing duplicate identification batch.

You can choose between two of the following batch match modes while creating a duplicate identification batch:

  • Within the batch: Runs the duplicate identification process within the batch.

  • Against the registry: Runs the duplicate identification process against the registry.

Batch Creation for Single or Periodic Run

You can create duplicate identification batches for a single or periodic run. You are likely to run a batch periodically for an ongoing or a repetitive task, such as the execution of registry duplicate identification.

You can schedule the periodic batch to run at a specific time or at a specific interval. For example, you can schedule the batch to run daily, every night at 9 PM, weekly, or every Sunday at 10 PM.

Create New or Use a Copy of an Existing Duplicate Identification Batch

You can use a copy of an existing duplicate identification batch to quickly create a new one. . You can edit the batch details, such as subset rules or batch selection criteria rules, duplicate identification rules, and schedule of the batch process before you submit the batch.

But, if your duplicate identification requirements are unique, you should create a new batch instead of copying an existing one.

Identify Duplicates within the Batch

You can look for duplicates in a batch by using the Within the Batch Match mode. In this mode, the application includes records in a batch based on configured subset rule conditions or the batch selection criteria rules and checks for duplicates only among the records within that batch.

Identify Duplicates Against the Registry

You can identify duplicates across the database by using the Against the Registry Batch Match mode. In this mode, the records that meet the subset rule conditions are included in the duplicate identification batch. The application matches these records against one another as well as against other records in the database.