Export Attachments

This topic explains how to export and download the object attachments to your local directory. Here is a list of objects that support exporting of attachments:

  • Account
  • Activity
  • Assets
  • Competitor
  • Contact
  • ConversationMessage
  • DealRegistration
  • Household
  • HRHelpDeskRequest
  • InternalServiceRequest
  • Opportunity
  • Partner
  • PartnerContact
  • Product
  • ProductGroup
  • ServiceRequest
  • WrapUp
You can export the attachments in two steps:
  1. Export the object records and the attachment information based on the selected search criteria of the object.

  2. Download the attachment files from the content management server using the External Data Loader Client tool.

Export the Object Records and the Attachment Information

To export the object records and the attachment information:

  1. Click Tools > Export Management.

  2. On the Manage Exports page, click the Create Export Activity button.

  3. On the Enter Export Options page, enter the export activity information such as export name, export object, and the file name. For more information on exporting data, see the topic Export Data.

  4. Select the Export attachment check box to enable exporting the object attachments. You can optionally enter the advanced configuration options. Click Next.

  5. On the Map Fields page, you can select the attributes to export by dragging them from the Available Fields section to the Selected Fields section. The Export Mapping drop-down list shows the maps used in earlier export jobs. You can select an existing mapping from the drop-down list and click Apply. You can select the Enabled check box to export the child object attributes.

  6. You must provide a filter criterion for at least the top-level object. To filter the records to export using conditions, click the Filter Name icon and enter the filter criteria for your object records. Click Next. On the Review and Submit page, review the export activity configuration and click Submit.

  7. After the export activity completes, clicking the My Completed Exports infotile shows your export status. Click the ZIP file link in the Exported Data File column to download the exported file.

Download the Attachment Files

The ZIP file you downloaded in the previous step contains the following files:

  • The attachment information CSV file - this file contains information about the attachment records such as content ID, REST resource URL, attachment file name, and so on.

  • Attachment download instructions file - this HTML file contains the export details, and the sample EDLC command to download the attachments.

You can use the export command of EDLC to download the attachment files from the content management server to your directory. For example, use the following command to download your attachments exported from the previous step:

java -jar oscdataloader.jar export -object Attachments -export-id {export-id} -username {username} -target-url {environment-url} -output-path {output-directory-path}

Following are the parameters used in the command:




Indicates the object type exported. Currently this parameter supports only the value Attachments.

-export -id

Job ID of the export job.


User name of the user submitting the export command. This must be the same user who submitted the export activity.


URL of the environment.


Directory path of the folder where the attachment files and reports are downloaded. The reports folder contains details about the attachment files exported, such as their status and error details if any This should be an existing directory with read and write permissions for the user performing the export.

You can view the details of all available parameters and their descriptions using the command export -help.