How do I export data?

You can export your object data using the Export Management option from the Tools work area. This topic is your guide to exporting data.

You can find the list of objects supported in Export Management in How do I manage export objects?

To export data:

  1. Click Tools > Export Management.

  2. On the Manage Exports page, click the Create Export Activity button.

  3. On the Enter Export Options page, enter values for each of the following fields:


    Description of the value


    The name of the export activity.


    The object to export. You must select the parent or child object from the drop-down list.

    If you can't find an object in the drop-down list, then click the Search link. In the Search and Select dialog box, enter the object name in the Object text box and click the Search button. Select your object from the result list and click OK.

    You can also use the advanced search option by clicking the Advanced button. Here you can search based on various filter criteria such as object name, attachment supported, creation date, and so on.

    Note: If the object you're exporting isn't listed then verify if you have the roles and privileges required to export the object. For information on the roles, see the topic Roles Required for Import and Export Management referenced in the Related Topics section. The object must not include any field with display name length greater than 120 characters. Your export job may fail if it includes a field with display name length greater than 120 characters.


    The optional description of the export activity.

    File Name

    The name of the export file to generate in ZIP format. This field is populated based on the object and date time stamp.

    Export Attachments

    Select to export the attachments related to the object. This option is enabled only if the selected object supports attachments.

  4. Optionally to set additional export configurations, click the Advanced Options section. Here you can configure settings in the Output File, Export Options, or Create Schedule sections.

    • Following are the options in the Output File and Export Options regions:



      Default Value


      If your file doesn't use a comma to separate values, then select the correct delimiter in the Delimiter drop-down list. Possible values are:

      • Caret Symbol

      • Closing Curly Bracket

      • Closing Parenthesis

      • Closing Square Bracket

      • Colon

      • Comma

      • Exclamatory Mark

      • Minus

      • Opening Curly Bracket

      • Opening Parenthesis

      • Opening Square Bracket

      • Pipe Symbol

      • Plus

      • Question Mark

      • Semi-Colon

      • Star Symbol

      • Tilde Symbol


      Escape Special Characters

      If selected, then RFC4180 format is used, and quotes are escaped with another set of quotes.


      Decimal Separator

      The decimal separator used in your export file. Possible values are Comma and Period.


      Date Format

      The format of the date fields in your file. Possible values are:

      • EU-YYYY/MM/DD

      • ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DD

      • UK/Canada - DD/MM/YYYY

      • US - MM/DD/YYYY

      US - MM/DD/YYYY

      Time Stamp Format

      The format of time fields in your file. Possible values are:

      • Canada - DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM

      • EU - YYYY/MM/DD 24:mm:ss

      • ISO 8601 - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss sss+/-hh:mm

      • UK - DD/MM/YYYY 24:mm:ss

      • US - MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM

      US - MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM

      File Encoding

      The format in which the characters within your source file are encoded. Possible values are:

      • Chinese Simplified - GB, CP936

      • Chinese Traditional - CP950

      • Eastern European - Win, CP1250

      • Greek - MS Windows, CP1253

      • Japanese - Shift-JIS, CP932

      • Unicode - UTF - 8

      • Unicode - UTF - 16

      • Unicode - UTF - 16BE, Mac, Unix

      • Unicode - UTF - 16LE, MS Windows

      • Western European - Win, CP1252

      Unicode - UTF - 8

      End of Line

      The character used to indicate end of line in the export file. Possible values are:

      • Carriage Return

      • Carriage Return and Line Feed

      • Line Feed

      Line Feed

      Quote Character

      The character used to indicate a quote. This field is read-only.


      Language Independent Header

      Select to export column headers. If you're modifying the exported data manually, then exporting column headers help in automatic mapping during the reimport process.


      Notification Email

      The email to send export-processing notifications. The user submitting the export receives an email notification automatically. You use this field to specify any additional recipients. If you want to have more than one email recipient, separate the email addresses with a comma or semicolon. You can also specify a mailing list address so that a large number of recipients can be notified. If you don't want to receive the notification, then set the profile option ORA_ZCA_IMPEXP_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFY to 'N' at user level.


      Enable Split

      Select to split the export data set based on a specified record count. On selecting this check box, you can see the Split Size drop-down list, with a default value of 100k. You can specify the split size in multiples of 100k records, ranging from 100k to 1000k.

      The exported data is split into multiple CSV files, and each file has a maximum of 50K records. You can further split the exported data into multiple ZIP files, based on the specified split size. For example, if your export job retrieves 300k records and split is enabled with a split size of 200k, then 2 export ZIP files are generated. The first ZIP file contains 200k records which is divided into 4 CSV files each with 50k records. The second ZIP file contains 100k records which is then divided into 2 CSV files each with 50k records.


    • In the Create Schedule region, you can schedule the export to run either immediately or at a future date. If you select a future date, then provide the date and time to start the export.

    You can save the Advanced Options for subsequent reuse by clicking on the Save advance options link in the UI. The options will be retained till you click on the Reset link and reset the options to application defaults.

    Note: All fields except Schedule Mode and Schedule start time will be saved.
  5. Click Next. On the Map Fields page you can see the exportable object, its child objects, and the associated attributes. The Export Mapping drop-down list shows the maps that were used in earlier export jobs. You can select an existing mapping from the drop-down list and click Apply.

    You can save your export maps for future use by clicking on the pencil icon (Save As) in the Create Export Activity page. You can also mark your maps as private by checking the Private Map checkbox. Private maps can only be viewed and reused by the user who created and saved the map. Maps marked as private won't get purged by the daily purge job.
    Note: Your maps will only be saved once the job is completed.

    To select and apply your saved maps, check the My Maps checkbox, select the required map from the Export Mapping drop down and click Apply in the Create Export Activity page.

  6. You can select the child objects to export by selecting the Enabled check box. Selecting the Enabled check box for a child object displays the associated attributes in the Available Fields section. You can select the attributes to export by double-clicking the attribute in the Available Fields list. Alternatively, you can move the attribute from Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. If you select any formula fields for export, it might impact your export performance.

  7. You must provide a filter criterion for at least the top-level object. To filter the records to export using conditions, click the Filter Name icon. On the Filter Name dialog box, you can create the filter for the export attributes using the operators AND, OR, >, <, =, and !=. On the Fields tab select the attribute and click the Insert button. In the Script Edit window, provide the filter conditions for the selected attribute. After creating the filter criteria script, click Validate Script. Click Save and Close to save the filter.

    Note: You must use GeographyCode='TM' filter to export the Zone Hierarchies. To export both Zone Hierarchy information and Geography Country Information, you need to use filter GeographyCode='TM' Or CountryCode='DE'.
  8. Click Next. On the Review and Submit page, review the export activity configuration. If you want to change any configuration, then click the Back button. Submit to activate the export activity. After the export activity completes, clicking the My Completed Exports infotile shows your export status. Click the ZIP file link in the Exported Data File column to download the exported file.

    You can cancel the export by clicking the Cancel icon in the Manage Exports page when the job status is Paused, Queued for Export, Preparing data to Export, or Exporting Data.

    Note: The cancel job option is available for the logged in user and the hierarchy user only when the profile option ORA_ZCA_IMPEXP_RESTRICT_USERACCESS is enabled.
Note: CSV String Escape:By default, the escape character is a " (double quote) for CSV-formatted files. If a value contains a comma, a newline character, or a double quote then the string must be enclosed in double quotes. For example: "Newline char in this field \n".A double quote must be escaped with another double quote. For example: "The double quote character "" is offensive.".
Note: By default, you can't view the Personally Identifiable Information(PII) such as mobile numbers in the exported data. To view this information, follow these steps: