How do I manage export objects?

Export objects correlate with tables in Oracle Applications Cloud. Understand export objects and their attributes to manage the data that you want to export.

Supported Objects

You can export these objects and their child objects using Export Management:

  • Access Groups

  • Account

  • Action

  • Action Plan

  • Activity

  • Asset

  • Assignment Rule Candidate
  • Assignment Rule Condition
  • Assignment Rule
  • Assignment Rule Set
  • Business Plan

  • Campaign

  • Case

  • Compensation Plan
  • Compensation Plan Component
  • Compensation Plans Flex
  • Competitor

  • Contact

  • Contract

  • Contests

  • Deal Registration

  • Duplicate Resolution Request

  • Geographies*

  • Goals

  • Household

  • HRHelpDeskRequest

  • Hub Source System Reference

  • Inbound Message

  • Incentive Compensation Performance Measure
  • Incentive Participant
  • Incentive Participant Goal
  • Incentive Participant Role Assignments
  • Interaction

  • Interaction Participant
  • KPI

  • Linked Party
  • MDF Budget

  • MDF Claim

  • MDF Request

  • Nonduplicate

  • Note

  • Objective

  • Opportunity

  • Organization

  • Partner

  • Partner Programs

  • Performance Measure Flex
  • Performance Measure Rate Dimensional Input
  • Performance Measure Score Card
  • Plan Component
  • Plan Component Flex
  • Plan Component Performance Measure
  • Plan Component Rate Dimensional Input
  • Plan Component Rate Table
  • Price Book Header

  • Product

  • Product Group

  • Program Enrollments

  • Promotion

  • Queue

  • Relationship

  • Resolution Link

  • Resolution Request

  • Resource

  • Resource Capacity

  • Sales Forecast Quota
  • Sales Lead

  • Sales Orders

  • Sales Territory

  • Sales Territory Quota

  • Self-Service Role

  • Service Request

  • Standard Lookups

  • Standard Text

  • Standard Text Folder

  • Standard Text User Variable

  • Subscription

  • Template

  • Territory Geographies. For more information see Export Territory Geography Zone Hierarchies? (Doc ID 2853475.1) on My Oracle Support.
  • Transaction

  • Trees

  • Wrap Up
Note: Legal Note: By exporting the Geographies data from the Oracle environment to Your environment, You agree that (a) Oracle is granting You only a restricted right to download the exported Geographies data specifically for Your use with the Oracle Fusion services; (b) the Geographies data may not be used, transferred, or uploaded for any other purposes; and (c) except for the restricted right granted in (a), all provisions of the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement (CSA) or Schedule C, as applicable to You, remain in full force and effect, including specifically section 3.4 thereof.

Export Object Details

Click Tools > Export Management > Export Objects. To see the details of an export object, select it on the Export Object Details page. Here are the details that you see about each exportable object:



Display Name

The object as it's called in the user interface.

Language Independent Code

The internal name of the object.

Parent Object

The parent object of the selected object. If there are multiple parents for an object, they're shown separated by commas.

View Hierarchy

Clicking on the View Hierarchy icon shows the hierarchy between the parent and child objects in a graphical format.

User Key

The attribute or the group of attributes that's used to uniquely identify a record.

Required Attributes

The attribute or the group of attributes for which values are required to create a record. These can't be NULL when updating a record.

Target Attributes

Here are the details that you see for each target attribute.



Display Name

Name of the target attribute in the user interface.

Attribute Name

Internal or field name of the attribute.


Indicates whether the attribute is mandatory or not.

Default Value

The default value for the attribute, if any.


Data type of the target attribute.


Maximum allowed length for the target attribute values.


A short description of the target attribute.

Export Inactive and Merged Data

You can export inactive and merged accounts, contacts, households, organizations, and persons using export management. You don't need to rely on data model queries to fetch the deleted or merged records.
Note: All associated child records (active or inactive) will be exported irrespective of their status, if no criteria is added.